Chapter Sixteen

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We all filed one by one up the stairwell that led to Jesse Putnam's room. As we approached the air became thick with the stench of death, decaying earth, and sulfur. The door creaked open and the demon rasped as Sabrina led us in. "How lovely. You're back. And you brought your friends. Four little piggies, all pink and plump and ripe for eating," Apophis taunted. I wasn't quite sure what we could do for the man he possessed. Jesse Putnam's skin was purple and swollen with sores that oozed covering his face. The whites of his eyes were becoming yellow with disease and his mouth foamed like a rabid animal. He resembled a corpse that had been left in the sun too long. "Watch your tongue, Demon," I threatened.  If saving the mortal hadn't been terribly important to Sabrina I would've gladly cut it out. "I went to the mines last night and found out your real name," Sabrina informed him. He attempted to sit up still bound to the bed groaning in frustration. "Apophis, Devouring Worm," We said in unison. The demon grunted as the body he inhabited arched off the bed still pulling against the restraints. "The Putnams could return at any moment, We should begin," Lilith urged. Apophis was becoming angry, "There's nothing you can do. You have no authority over me, witches." Lilith ignored him, handing Sabrina the spell, "Speak with a loud, clear voice, Sabrina."  The demon growled, becoming more agitated by the second. "We call forth the witches from the shade. Those who came before us, and died, so that we might live," Sabrina called. Jesse Putnam writhed and seethed as the spell began. "Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf," we all responded. The candles in the room burst with newfound life as the flames burned high. "That's rich. You're not even a witch, barely a half-witch," Apophis rasped. Sabrina ignored him, continuing the spell, "I call forth the powers of Lilith of Aradia, of Morgan le Fay." The candle flames were burning wildly lighting up the room and the demon fought his restraints with fervor. "Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf," we continued. The fire flashed and he taunted Sabrina again, "I'm going to eat all your little friends, one by one." Sabrina stood tall, never wavering, "I call on Black Annis, I call on Anne Boleyn. I call on the Witch of Endor." Apophis threw himself back, contorting and writing. "Visit is, Sisters. And intercede on our behalf." Lightning flashed outside and thunder clapped outside the window. Apophis gathered his strength and levitated Jesse Putnam off the bed. "I call on Hecate, on Artemis, on Luna to expel this demon. Expel Apophis. Return him to the Dark Lord," Sabrina said even louder as wind whipped around the room. "Visit us Sisters. Intercede on our behalf." The bed began to creak and buckled as Apophis fought to break free. "I call on Hildegard of Bingen, I call Marie Laveau. I call Tituba, I call Mary Bradbury," Sabrina called, beginning to waver. I noticed one of Jesse Putnam's hands slip free. "Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf." He was growing furious, clawing at his other arm to pull it free. "I call Nehman, Badb, Macha," Sabrina cried desperately. The wind blew harder and the storm raged on outside. "Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf," We all shouted. Sabrina shook her head, "It's not working.." Lilith still encouraged her, "Keep going. Energies are gathering, you can feel them. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!" Sabrina turned back to Apophis, still determined, "I call Circe, I call Moll Dyer." Aunt Hilda's grip on my hand was now crushing bones and her palm sweaty. "Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf." Apophis finally broke free flying forward. Both Sabrina and Aunt Hilda let out a scream. Lilith and I looked at each other unsure of what to do next. The four of us weren't enough. "Dirty, unclean mongrel!" Apophis growled. "Don't listen to it," Aunt Hilda spat out. "Psychological attacks," Lilith confirmed. "You're a polluted thing," the demon ground out. Sabrina looked at me,tears welling in her eyes and I jerked my head towards the demon encouraging her forward. "I call on Juventas, the virgin, on Juno, the mother—" Sabrina was cut off as Apophis lunged forward reaching for her and she screamed. "Your parents died because of you. Because you're an impure half-breed," He spat at her. Sabrina continued to fight, "Lend us your power. Expel the demon. Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf." The wind swirled around us as if we were standing in the middle of a hurricane and Apophis still fought to get to Sabrina. She began panicking, turning to Lilith, "Something's wrong. I'm not strong enough." As she said that the door burst open and we all turned shocked to see my Mother rush in. "Yes, you are. I call upon Cybil Leek. I call upon Priscilla Spellman. I call upon Francis Spellman. I call upon Evanora and Locasta Spellman. Continue, Sabrina," She shouted, taking my hand and joining us. Sabrina with a new confidence continued the spell, "Come forth, Kindly Ones. Come forth, Mother of Darkness. Lend us your power. Expel the demon Apophis!" We all joined forces continuing the incantation as Apophis fell back on the bed, "Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf." We repeated it as the salt thrown burned into the demon's skin forcing him from the body of Jesse Putnam like the slug he was. Soon all grew quiet as an inhuman growl echoed from within Jesse as the creature slithered its way out. Jesse Putnam grunted and began vomiting violently until an overgrown worm fell onto the floor. Jesse fell back onto the bed exhausted. "Is it- Is it over?" Aunt Hilda panted. Lilith shook her head, "I don't know." The demon continued to growl and writhe on the floor. Sabrina stepped forward against warning. "Apophis, Devouring Worm," She muttered, studying the thing that had wreaked so much havoc. I crinkled my nose in disgust, "it's kind of pathetic isn't it?" Sabrina rolled her eyes at me and spoke softly, "Now what?" The Demon growled as Lilith stepped forward handing Sabrina the sealing stone and the spellbook. She grabbed a blanket from the nearby bed and swaddled the worm, taking it into her arms. She really was my hero because I wouldn't have touched it with a 10ft pole. She quickly ran downstairs and out the back door as we all followed close behind. She tossed the worm down the well that the Putnam's had around back. "The stone seal, Sabrina," She said breathlessly. Sabrina lifted both halves above her head and threw them down. We all stood around the well as they splashed at the bottom. I wasn't sure if we were staring down the seemingly bottomless pit because we couldn't believe what we had just done or if we were waiting for the demon to wriggle his way back up. "And you really don't think it can get back up, Ms. Wardwell?" Sabrina questioned. Lilith shook her head, "Not with that seal in there. And not the state it was in. No, that worm will burrow its way back to hell where it belongs." Everyone kept their gaze still fixed on the inky blackness. I took my opportunity to interlace mine and Lilith's fingers looking up at her smiling gratefully. "What about Uncle Jesse?" Sabrina asked, still concerned. Aunt Hilda let out a breath, "Unconscious. He'll be weak for a while, I imagine. But he's alive, thanks to you." Sabrina looked around at each of us, "Thanks to all of us. Including you, Aunt Zee. What made you change your mind?" She sighed glancing back down the well, "The first witch exorcism ever performed. That seemed like something I should witness first-hand. If only for educational purposes. But don't get too big for your britches, Sabrina. You're grounded. A mortal punishment for interfering with mortal affairs." Sabrina sighed but didn't argue. It was fair. A witch's punishment would be so much worse. "Don't know about you four, but I could do with a nice, hot cup of tea," Aunt Hilda suggested. I released Lilith's hand shrugging, "M'not sure about tea, Auntie, but I could use a stiff drink." At that my mom scoffed, "Honestly, Nicole. But, yes. Let's go home." We all started walking towards the front and Sabrina stopped Lilith, "Ms. Wardwell, will you join us?" Sabrina shot a knowing smirk my way and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, no, no. I've intruded enough for one day I should go," She explained. My heart sank when I found out she wouldn't be joining us. My mother turned on her heel, "I think that's best, yes." When she turned to continue walking I hoped to Satan that she could feel me staring daggers into the back of her head. "I'll see you bright and early in the morning for home room." She turned to leave and I nudged Sabrina. "Ms. Wardwell?," Sabrina paused for a long moment as Lilith turned "Thank you."  Sabrina gave me a little smile as she walked ahead. Lilith looked as though she had been shocked by Sabrina's words. I walked up to her pressing a peck to her lips, "Yes, thank you, Lilith. Truly." She pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around her neck. She kissed me again more passionately and I smiled into it. We parted once my need for air won over. "I'll see you later, Spellman?," She smirked. My heart fluttered at the sparkle in those gorgeous blues looking down at me. "You know Ms. Wardwell may have intruded enough for one day but Lilith is more than welcome," I suggested softly. She smiled, pressing another lingering kiss to my lips. "Meet me in your room in about an hour," She whispered in my ear. Smirking, I gave her one last wink, "Until then, my demoness." I quickly caught up with my family. "And where have you been?," My mother questioned. I shrugged casually, "Just thanking Ms. Wardwell properly." I ignored Sabrina's knowing smirk as we continued to walk. "You know I have half the mind to ground you too," My mother eyes me suspiciously. I simply laughed, looping my arm through hers as we walked. Thanks to Lilith, being confined to my room didn't sound like much of a punishment. She would go on to prove that over and over again later that very night.

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