Chapter Eight

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The next morning was tense. My mother was livid with Sabrina and currently not speaking to me either. I made the wise decision not to linger. I grabbed my coffee to go and quickly headed to the academy. My mother was explicitly clear in her orders, after Sabrina's baptism I would return to the academy and fulfill my duties as part of the coven. As soon as I entered the academy I was met with Faustus Blackwood's snide expression. "Welcome back, my child." I came to stand beside him as he stood in front of the statue of our Dark Lord. "High priest," I greeted. He studied me for a moment, "It's good to have you back where you belong. I hold no ill will towards you for the events last night. Surely you wouldn't go against our Dark Lord's will by helping the girl, am I correct?" I kept my face emotionless. He clearly knew the answer but he would not have the satisfaction of getting the truth from me. "Of course not, Father," I responded curtly. He gave me a sickening smile, "Excellent. I thought for your first day back you could finish the translation I had charged you with." Of course. Spending the day cooped up in the library is exactly how I wanted to spend my day. "I'll get started straight away, your excellency." With that I left him standing there. I had honestly lost track of how long I had spent in the library spilling over the ancient texts and grimoires I gathered from the dusty shelves. My hand was beginning to cramp from jotting down notes. "Ms. Spellman it's getting late don't you think it's time to call it a night?," Cassius, the academy's librarian asked tentatively.  I looked up at the man I had known for decades and watched the way his kind eyes crinkled with age. "Nonsense Cassius I've almost completed the translations. Thank you for your concern though. I'll lock up for the night if you'd like to go home." He bowed his head, "Thank you, Ms. Spellman. Try not to stay up too late." I smiled as the old man left. I was so close, only a few more words left. I shook out my hand, loosening the cramp and continued to work. It wasn't much longer and I had finished. I placed all the books back on the shelves and gathered up the notebook I had jotted all the notes and translations into and made my way through the halls of the academy to the High Priest's office. The dimly lit hallways would've been intimidating to anyone else. It was like a never ending maze. But for me it was like coming home. Generations of Spellmans had walked those halls and during my time at the academy I had thrived there. I found the High Priest's office in no time but when I heard an all too familiar voice through the door I stopped in my tracks. What was Mary Wardwell doing in Blackwood's office? I held my breath and stepped closer. I heard her laugh and my heart fluttered, "I eased her to the altar as is my way. A hand on her shoulder, a whisper in her ear. But she was at the altar, Blackwood. You failed to get the signature." I processed her words carefully. Surely they couldn't be talking about Sabrina. "My dear demoness...your methods are weak, your will is womanly. Now I will be the hammer that drives the nail home." Demoness? Had I heard him correctly? Surely, not. Mary Wardwell was a mortal. My mind was reeling. "Yes you're blunt, like a hammer, that's true. But don't underestimate her, warlock. And don't disrespect me. High Priest or not you're still a man. And I feast.. on male flesh." I backed away from the door, nearly stumbling over my own feet. It all made sense now. The spell she had over me, the sparks of magic I felt every time we touched, her sudden interest in Sabrina. This wasn't Mary Wardwell at all. I suddenly couldn't breathe and the walls of the academy were closing in on me. I had to get out. I dropped the journal no longer worried about something so trivial. I allowed my legs to carry me through the academy and out the grand doors as fast as I could. I had to put as much space as possible between me and whatever had just happened. I glanced behind me making sure I hadn't been followed as I disappeared into the woods.  My heart was beating out of my chest and in the silence of the night I was sure it could be heard. I needed to breathe and the cold night air was a welcomed relief especially in contrast to my blood which boiled and made my skin impossibly hot. Mary Wardwell, the mother of demons? I corrected myself, not Mary Wardwell. Lilith. Adam's first wife, Satan's handmaiden, a powerful Demoness and consequently the woman I couldn't stop thinking about. Surely they hadn't heard me on the other side of the door? I could just go on pretending that this never happened and the woman my cousin had become so close with was still just some mortal teacher. Thoughts were racing through my mind and I was almost certain the overbearing weight of the truth would crush me. "Nicole..." an all too familiar voice purred. I rather clumsily spun to face her, "M-Ms. Wardwell? What're you doing out here?," I glanced around, "In the middle of the woods..."  She smirked, "Don't play coy with me, dear. I knew there was someone standing outside the door." She took a step forward as I took two steps back. "I know who you are if that's what you mean." A small laugh escaped her lips, "I suppose it was only a matter of time before you found out." I cursed softly when my back hit a tree. She continued forward taking on the look of a predator stalking its prey. I'm not going to lie, it both frightened and thrilled me but I was no one's prey. I straightened as her arms landed on either side of me successfully trapping me between the demoness and the tree. "So what're you going to do now, Lilith?" She roughly grabbed my chin forcing me to look up, "I'm going to claim what's mine." The kiss that came after would've brought me to my knees had it not been for the Mother of Demons holding me firmly in place. Her lips tasted of brandy and something sweeter I couldn't place. The fire from the brief contact we've had up until this point was nothing compared to this. Hellfire ran through my veins as her mouth devoured mine.  Her teeth tugged against my lower lip as she pulled back and I stopped myself from chasing her lips with my own. "So now that you know who I am and my true nature. What will you do?" I studied her face for a moment. The woman standing in front of me was a Goddess. The mother of demons herself. I let out a shaky breath bowing my head, "You're Lilith. I am your handmaiden. I took the oath and I am your loyal servant, Dark Mother." Her finger came to rest under my chin lifting my gaze to hers much more gently than before, "You. My dear girl. Are no one's servant. Although I have always adored hearing your prayers and devotion." I felt a scarlet blush dust my cheeks despite myself which caused her to let out a breathy laugh. "Walk with me?" She stepped back and held out her hand which I hesitantly took. It felt so natural to lace our fingers together and the past few weeks flashed through my mind. All the casual conversations and longing glances. But that was when she was only Mary Wardwell, not the first Witch who I'd sworn my life to. Had I overstepped? I glanced down at our intertwined hands and my fears subsided. "So this whole time?.." I trailed off. She looked over studying me, looking at me unabashedly for the first time, "It's been me, yes. I was charged with getting Sabrina to the altar and had to take on a role that allowed me to get close to her." I nodded slowly, taking in her words, "And was I only a pawn in that? Getting close to her I mean.." I cursed myself internally. I wasn't sure where my boldness was coming from in the presence of the first woman herself. She stopped and pulled my hand to join her. "Not. At. All. Don't ever think that. This," she gestured in between us, "certainly wasn't expected. But believe me when I say that I'd never use you in such a way." I searched her face for any signs of insincerity but the intense look in her eyes showed none. I was at a loss for words. Which rarely happened. She moved to tuck a stray piece of raven hair behind my ear, "In truth I've been watching you for quite some time. I have many handmaidens, one for each of the Dark Lord's covens. However, you're different. There's something about you.. something I haven't placed yet. I must confess I'm drawn to you and it terrifies me. Each time we touch reminds me of home. Like I'm being kissed by hellfire itself." I laughed. I wasn't sure why I was laughing. But for the first time in weeks I felt all the tension break. Lilith looked at me like I'd lost my mind, "Care to share what's so funny dear?" I took both of her hands in my own, looking up at her through my thick lashes, "I've felt the same thing. I didn't understand it. How I could possibly fall for a mortal woman. I'd honestly begun to believe I was losing my mind. Especially when I saw you last night in the clearing. But everything makes sense now." The smirk on her lips turned predatory once again, "You're falling? Let me catch you then, Darling." Before I had time to process her words her hands were on my hips backing me to the nearest solid surface. When my back hit a nearby tree her lips crashed against mine and my hands came up to tangle in her hair. She pulled away only slightly, her thumb tracing my lips which I took in between my teeth nipping her sharply. She smirked, "Say you're mine." I looked at her in confusion. I had already said my vows as her handmaiden in these very woods not long after I took my Dark Baptism. "I already-" She cut me off, wrapping a slender hand firmly around my throat, nipping along my jaw and placing her knee flush between my thighs, "I want to hear it again here. Now." All at once I was engulfed in the deep sapphire blue of her eyes and I knew I would never belong to anyone else. "I'm yours. Lilith, first woman, mother of demons, I recommit myself to you." Her smirk was absolutely feral as she released her grip on my throat only to replace it with teeth and lips. Leaving marks as she made her way down to my pulse point and sank her teeth in just enough to leave a pronounced mark. She soothed it with her tongue before coming back up to claim my lips. "As much as I want to absolutely ravish you in these very woods, darling, you should get home. I have a feeling you'll be needed," She spoke against my lips. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" What could possibly be more important than there and then? She pulled back intertwining our fingers once again, "Your family received an infernal summons. They're being tried for breach of promise." I huffed of course things were still going to be difficult and none of it would've been happening if Sabrina had just signed her name. "A public trial?" I questioned. She pulled me into her side wrapping an arm around me as we walked amongst the trees. "A public trial," She confirmed, "the Dark Lord wishes to make a point. Although I think Faustus takes some sick joy from it as well. However, I'll be close by if you need me." As we came to the edge of the woods I frowned. I wished more than anything we could stay out here until it was all over. Just the two of us. As I stared out across the cemetery Lilith watched me intently. "Nicole?" Lost in my thoughts I never broke my gaze away from the gravestones silhouetted in the shadows of the night, "Hmm?" She pulled me to her, causing me to look up into those gorgeous blues. "No one can know who I truly am or what I'm doing here. I shouldn't have told you but... I can't stay away. Promise me this stays between us. To everyone else I'll stay Mary Wardwell." I nodded, "I promise." She ran her fingers through my hair looking at me so tenderly it ached. "Good. Remember I'm not far," She responded, placing a final lingering kiss on my lips before disappearing into the shadows. I made my way through the graves and up the path that led to the Spellman house. "Where in Satan's name have you been?" My mother questioned sharply. I looked up as I made my way to the steps. She leaned against the railing her face eerily calm but I could already tell she was fuming. I made my way up the stairs, "I was at the Academy." She scoffed, "This late? Do you have any idea what's been going on? We've been issued an infernal summons! Your Aunt and I have both been stripped of our powers because of Sabrina's little show last night. And you stand there and tell me you've been at the Academy for this long?" As I came to stand in front of her I was instantly thankful for my long hair and the dim porch lights under her scrutinizing gaze. I would never hear the end of it if my Mother saw the marks Lilith left. "It's true. I came home as soon as I was made aware of the summons," I half lied. Even under the low lights I could see the new crinkles at the corner of my mother's eyes and the gray streaking her normally fiery red hair. She turned away from me and my heart clinched, "Go. Get ready, we must be there by midnight." I grew angry. Although I wasn't sure who exactly I was angry with. Whether it was Sabrina for causing all of this, Blackwood for reveling in it, or maybe even the Dark Lord himself. Breach of promise my ass. Without saying a word I went inside and prepared for one hell of a night.

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