Chapter 1

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Bowser was done. Done kidnapping Princess Peach. It was getting old and he was pretty sure she liked someone else anyway. Bowser sighed. A long, deep, thoughtful sigh. Then he decided it was boring and stood from his throne to call for his trusted assistant-


The short koopa hurried towards him and bowed, his broom in hand.

"What is it, sire?"

"I'm done."

Kamek looked up and frowned.

"What are you talking about, sire?"

"I'm done kidnapping Peach."

"But- what will you do now? I mean, there's not really anything else to do. You must find another princess! One more willing to marry you, then your kingdom will finally have a queen! Just think of it, sire-"

"I don't want a queen, Kamek..."


"I will rule this kingdom alone. And if someone comes along, so be it."

Kamek raised an eyebrow but stayed quiet.

"Off you go now, don't you have somewhere to be?" Bowser stated as the cloaked koopa bowed again and scurried away, leaving the king to his thoughts.

What was it that Kamek had said? He must find someone to marry? Well that was a load of crap, he was rubbish with women! All he did was kidnap Peach and pretend to marry her to show off to Mario and Kamek expected him to actually marry someone? He needed help, someone good with women. Who did he know-


The voice of Bowser Jr called from another room before his figure bounced into view.

"What is it, Jr?"

"The princess is at the door. The pink one."

As if on cue, loud banging erupted from outside the door - followed by,


Bowser Jr rolled his eyes and looked at his dad. Bowser sighed and made his way to the castle doors. As he opened the doors, Bowser Jr fled to his room so he wouldn't be seen by the princess again. The king finished opening the door and looked outside to be met with the blonde hair and startlingly blue eyes of Princess Peach.

(Bowser's POV)

I looked down at her and scratched my arm awkwardly.

"Uh.. heyyy," I said slowly.

This was stupid. The only conversations we had consisted of :

"Why do you kidnap me if you know Mario will save me?"

"I'm just a young girl!" "You're in your twenties" "Well-"

Or, on bad days, Your Mom jokes. Peach stared back at me before finally replying,

"Why haven't you taken me yet?" She smirked, "You run out of castles?"

I groaned. She thought she was sooo funny.

"Surprisingly, no. I'm done kidnapping you."

"Wait, really? It isn't April Fools Day is it?"

"No, it isn't. I'm being serious."

The princess watched me skeptically before deciding I was indeed telling the truth.

"I'll be on my way to Mushroom Kingdom, then. Gotta tell everyone the news! Bye!"

And just like that, she ran off until she was out of sight. I slammed the doors shut, leaned against them and exhaled sharply. Well that was an experience. I walked back to my throne and sat down, resting my head on my hand. What would even change now that I'd stopped kidnapping Peach? First of all, everyone would celebrate - obviously. But then what? I guess Mario wouldn't have his job anymore... wait, that was it! Mario was good with women, wasn't he? I'll send him a letter, and he won't be able to refuse since he has nothing else to do!

(Third Person)

Bowser laughed an evil laugh and rubbed his hands together.

"KAMEK!" He boomed, as the wizard once again rushed to his king.

"Yes, sire?"

"I have an idea..."

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