You Like Me In Handcuffs

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The next morning, Steve was back at the hospital and more blood was drawn. After he'd had a chance to rest a bit, he asked if someone could take him upstairs to see Eddie. It took more than two hours to find someone who had the authorization to take him and was willing to do it. So Steve was led up to the sixth floor, searched, put through a metal detector, then finally taken to Eddie's room. He could see Eddie through the glass pane in the door while he waited for it to be unlocked. He was sleeping, and some of the color had returned to his face, making him look better than he had the day before.

When the door was finally opened and they had warned Steve not to get too close, he could touch Eddie's hand but nothing else, Steve went to the bed and took Eddie's hand in his, running his finger over the handcuff that was still around his wrist. Eddie's eyes fluttered open and he smiled weakly when he saw Steve.

"You like me in handcuffs, don't ya, big boy," Eddie said with a soft laugh. "Maybe we could get a pair to play with if I don't die in here."

"You're not going to die, baby," Steve said. "I promise you that."

"They told me that you're a match for the transfusion." Steve nodded and smiled. "So, you're going to be inside me, forever."

"Can't think of any place I'd rather be." He squeezed Eddie's hand. "The whole gang has been at my house and everyone is worried about you. Henderson, Mike, Sinclair, Robin, Nancy, your uncle Wayne. But Sinclair and Henderson think they may have a way to clear you."

"Don't let my boys do anything stupid, Steve." There was a look of genuine concern in his eyes.

"I won't, Eddie." He leaned in, glanced towards the door to make sure he wasn't being watched, then placed a light kiss on the corner of Eddies mouth before whispering to him. "Max is going to help clear you. So, whatever they tell you, just go along with it."

"Red," Eddie said with a fond smile. "How is she?"

"She's still in the hospital," Steve said. "Downstairs. But she's doing better. She'll never..." He paused, not sure he should tell Eddie the truth just yet. But Eddie squeezed his hand and gave him a pleading look. "She's blind, Eddie. Her broken bones will heal, it'll take time, but she won't ever see again."

A tear rolled down Eddie's cheek and Steve brushed it away. "Thank her for me. Whatever she's going to do, let her know it means a lot to me."

"You can tell her yourself when we get you cleared, baby."

"Time's up." Steve glanced back at the guard. "Come on. Let's go."

"I love you, Eddie." He raised Eddie's hand and kissed it.

"I love you, Steve."


They all stood outside of Max's hospital room, all except Lucas who was inside with her and Max's mother. Dustin, Mike, and Robin were all peeking into the room while Nancy was watching Steve. She was worried about him, he looked pale. This was the third day in a row that he'd had blood drawn for Eddie's transfusion. Steve was pacing, waiting for Wayne to come back. He was upstairs with Eddie. Steve didn't join them because he had seen Eddie alone the day before, so Wayne hadn't gotten to visit him. So he felt like he owed it to Wayne to let him visit with Eddie. They were family after all.

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