|14|Can They Get Better Than This?|

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I woke up, my head pounding as I expected it would. I got out of bed, still wearing my clothes from last night, and I went out to the kitchen. Someone should have given me a jump scare warning, because I opened my bedroom door to a surprise.

"Good morning, sunshine," the Aussie said from his spot in the kitchen as he was eating some cereal or something. "How the hell did you get in here?" I asked.

"Good morning, Daniel. It's lovely to see you this morning! How are you?" he mimicked me. "I'm great thank you, Lee," 

"No, but seriously. How did you get in here?"

"You left the front door open," he stated, shovelling some more cereal into his mouth. "From what I've heard, you and Max got pretty wasted last night,"

"Yeah, I can tell by my headache," I sluggishly walked over to my bathroom and popped two paracetamols into my mouth to try and soothe my headache. I hoped it would kick in sooner rather than later.

"I have the perfect thing to wake you up and get you moving," he said, putting his bowl in the sink. "And that is...?" I said, trying not to make it seem like I had taken the previous comment as suggestive. 

"Unfortunately for you, that's not what I had in mind. If you weren't practically with Pierre, maybe I'd think about it, but-" he was stopped by me whipping his back with a towel. "Anyway, now that your mind is out of the gutter, we are going on a bike ride,"

"Aren't people going to see?" I asked, not wanting the hassle of paparazzi.

"There isn't anyone around. The only people out are old people who won't have a clue who we are,"

He had a good point, but I really wasn't in the mood to go on a bike ride. "Go and get some sporty clothes on, and we'll get going. I already hired you a bike, by the way,"

I just groaned as I skulked off to my room to get changed. I just put on a pair of running shorts and a short-sleeved top to accommodate the hot summer weather. Just as he had said, there were two bikes waiting at the main door of my apartment block for us.

We hopped on and started peddling across the road and into the park. It was very beautiful, to be honest. There were planters lining the cycle path that were filled with colourful flowers and we could hear the fountain trickling nearby.

"Daniel! Slow down!" I called out to him. He was 20 meters or so in front of me, so it wasn't quite as bad as when Max ditched him that one time. "Lee! Hurry up!" he yelled back and I could just see the smirk on his face. 

I saw him pull over by the fountain and I stopped next to him. "You're fast," I said, out of breath.

"That's what they all say," he winked at me. I hit him on the arm and sat down on the edge of the fountain. The view was so pretty. The majority of the people, as Daniel had said, were on the more experienced side of life. 

They strolled through the park, and I saw that a pre-school had brought one of the classes to the park on the hot day. Seeing all of the little people running around and having fun made my heart melt. "You want one one day?" 

Daniel had clearly noticed that I was smiling at the children on the park as they enjoyed the sun. All of them wore bright yellow bibs so that they could easily be identified and spotted if they wandered off. 

"Definitely, you?"

"I'd like to have one, but it's not necessary," he said, following my gaze back over to the play park. "How many do you want?"

"I'd like around 2 or 3, but I'm not too bothered. I'll be happy with just one," I told him, watching as two of the kids were chasing each other around. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a little dot of yellow.

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