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Alyssa p.o.v
Sitting on the porch with Tiana and bri

Bri: I didn't know you lived down the street from Chris

Me: yeah why

Bri: you ever been in house

Tiana: I have

Bri: we know that ti I'm talking to Alyssa

Me: no..

Tiana: bri you like Chris or something

Bri: no he's cute but not my cup of tea

Me; nah nah don't lie

Bri: I'm deadass

Tiana: eh Chris probably wouldn't fuck with nobody from that dump

Bri: he looks like he has bougie dick

Bri and Tiana started laughing

Me: y'all are weird bro

I was watching Chris put his trash in the garbage can

Bri: you know I heard he likes somebody

Me: aww that's good

Bri and Tiana was looking at me oddly

Me: stop playing with

Bri: yes

Me; no

I looked at Tiana

Tiana; I mean think about it

I shook my head no and rolled my eyes

Why would the school neighbor like me?!
End p.o.v

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