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Tiana p.o.v
I was setting up the dance room for practice when Chris walked in

Me: sup

Chris: I think you know

He had a dirty smug on his face

Me: what's wrong

Chris: Tiana I don't wanna hurt Semaj really loves you

He was twirling a blade in his hand

Me: mhm

Chris: but you sit up there and let ya little friends talk about me and shit

He grabbed me by the neck and pointed the blade to my eye

Me: l look I be trying to t tell-

Chris: now you wouldn't want yo eyeball on the floor would you

Me; n no

Chris: okay then fix them bitches mouths

He let me go

Chris: or imma have to do it myself

Me: no don't hurt Alyssa..she's off limits

Chris: so what about that bri bitch

Me: I'll talk to her just don't do anything to Alyssa okay

Chris; fine

He walked out
End p.o.v

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