Chapter 2

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"My queen,"

"What is it, Lilica?" I asked without looking up from my painting.

"What should we do with the intruder?" She asked seriously.

"Do you think the bluebells are a bit much? Or should I add more lillies?" I asked her, torn.

"My queen! This is serious! He could be a spy!" She said.

"What isn't serious about a queen's job?" I sighed.

"So, more lilies?" I asked again.

"Queenie, you really should act your age," she said tiredly.

"My age? I'm sorry, are you my mother?" I asked.

She didn't answer.

"Then are you my father?" I asked again.

Again she didn't answer.

"Or perhaps, you are my queen," I said with a sinister smile.

She looked at me disappointed then walked away.

"I care not what they think. They wouldn't know what was taken until it's happened to them. I act as I please," I said, talking to myself again, painting more lilies on the canvas.

"Maybe that was too many lilies..."


I walked to my garden when I was greeted by a friend.

"Queenie!" My friend Alexander Cheshire shouted as he ran to hug me.

"Alex!" I hugged him back and we walked to the garden together.

"Where's Melissa?" I asked curiously.

"She's already in the garden waiting," he said.

He then started skipping happily as I copied him.

We laughed together and met Melissa Cheshire his older sister.

"You're late for the party, Queenie," she said, pointing a spoon at me.

"Pish posh, when have I ever been early?" I laughed.

I met the Cheshires a while back when I opened my first bakery.

I remembered them in my past lives. They always snuck into the castle to steal food and I would always provide cookies for them. In Allison's eyes the Cheshires are my pets. My minions, I heard him mention once

They always defended me no matter what and stayed loyal to me. But unfortunately during rebellions they would always be killed off by Allison or the dark witch.

The Cheshires were deities that were cats in human form with mystical powers that often created challenges for Allison.

The dark witch is a forgotten goddess named Vera. I don't know how Allison manages to get her on his side but I have to keep him in the castle so that he can't make contact with her.

"What's been troubling you, Queenie? You look down," pouted Alex.

Alex had deep violet eyes and soft lilac hair just like his sister.

Although they both looked around my age, deities live for thousands of years and I have never asked them how long they've lived.

"Is it that weird thing that fell out of the sky?" Asked Melissa with her velvet voice.

"Yes, I'm scared of it... What if it tries to hurt my kingdom?" I said sadly.

Both Melissa and Alex hissed in anger. "If it tries anything, we'll make it dissappear! No one makes our queen sad," they hissed.

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