"Hearing it that way, it sounds so easy..."

"It is", he assures. "Just let yourself go".

"And what about...?", I protest reluctantly, but he cuts me off quickly.

"Shhh", he whispers against my lips. "I'll take care of the rest, honey".

His hands begin to touch sensitive parts and my body responds automatically. I can't control it, it's like it takes on a life of its own under his touch.


"Say yes". The ice in his blue eyes collides with the heat of mine, leaving me frozen and at the same time, burning with flames.

Is something like this possible?

"Surrender yourself to me".

'I already have', I reply to myself as I let him possess me in every possible way.

I sit sipping my Gint & Tonic while my husband plays with his children in the Jacuzzi. As soon as we settled in, the little ones insisted on getting into the pool, not caring how cold it was.

We both flatly refused, but in the face of so much insistence and childish shrieks, we ended up making concessions and decided to get into the spa's Jacuzzi. At least this place is closed and the water is warm.

I just hope they don't catch pneumonia.

On the other hand, seeing the Man of Steel laugh and play alongside them is the best sight I have ever witnessed. It's like he's a completely different man.

"Cassie!",the little manipulator calls me. For her we yielded, exposed to catch the biggest cold in history. "Come to play!"

"Thank you, but I'm very comfortable here", I gently deny.

"Don't be boring!', her brother adds.

"Why don't you come, honey?", Now it turns out the Di Lauros have fallen for me in a gang. "Water is delicious".

"Yeah, sure", I snort in response. "I won't go there, not even dead".

Although the heating is on, I'm sure that once I get soaked, my eyelashes will freeze.

"Are you scared, darling?", he asks amused.

God! That facet of his turns me on so much. Now I am hot.

"I'm just cautious", I reply. "Someone has to take care of you when you all get sick".

"Bored!", Fede yells.

Then the three of them begin to talk in whispers, surely plotting something and I see it as my husband emerges from the water to approach me with agonizing slowness.

'Why must he have such a fucking perfect body?'

"Cara", he reaches up to me and I immediately guess his intentions.

"No". I jump up from my chair.

"Cara..". his tone is still low and deliberate, as if he were not about to do the evil of the day. "It will be better if you don't resist".

"No!", I walk back the same steps he took forward. "I refuse!"

"Okay", I sigh relieved to hear him and I relax, "you have wanted it".

He on impulse catches me in his arms and drags me to the edge of the mini pool

"Don't! Adriano!", I yell, plead, and kick left and right, but nothing stops me from diving into the water and then, submerging us both to the bottom. It's pretty deep for a Jacuzzi. "Asshole!". I go to the surface coughing. "You are a cheater!"

"Did you just call me an asshole again?", he asks with his bright blue eyes.

"It is what you are", I challenge him.

"I will make you pay dearly for this offense, cara", he hisses on my lips before devouring them without caring about the presence of our...

'Our children?'

The thought crosses my mind suddenly, but is quickly replaced by excitement.

"I know where Ella got the manipulative stuff from", I comment before rushing off to find a towel. "And you little conspirators", I point to the brothers, "out of the water".

"I don't want to!"

The room fills with protests, however, I stand firm in my position and backed by the father, I manage to get them out and set them up for dinner.

I snort once more at the daring outfit. I'm going to kill Leah. That's why she insisted on packing my suitcase. There's nothing decent to wear! Tomorrow I have to go shopping. Although the idea falters when seeing the lewd look of my husband.

"Today I'll make love to you with that dress on", he murmurs close to my ear so only I can hear him.

I'm going to reply, but I'm speechless when I see two unwanted visitors.

"Good evening. Aren't we invited to dinner?"

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