•°Building a bond°•

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<Aizawa's pov>

After class ended it was break time and todoroki didn't leave the classroom so neither did I however I went in to my drawer and grabbed a juice and crackers and walked over to him then placed them on his desk "I keep them in there for midoriya but I'm sure he doesn't mind sharing" I say to him and he looked up confused then I heard somthing "why do you keep them for midoriya..." he says , ahh now I know why he was confused "think it's better you ask him bud but do u want any paper or anything like that to draw" I ask him and he just nods so I go back to my desk and grab some paper and hand them to him and then I go back to my desk leaving him be.

Once the bell rung I look up to todoroki he seemed to be really into his drawing he had his headphones on but sighed and took them off once the bell rang "keep them on bud you can keep drawing this lesson is just learning about autism anyways so if they find out they know about stuff like this and I'm pretty sure you don't need to learn about it" I chuckle after saying and he gives me a small grin and puts then back on though as soon as iida came in I said "iida don't even talk to him about the headphones or drawing" and he nods at me then walked straight past todoroki.

"Ok class today were learning about asd or also known as autism and how to deal with it" I say as I write it down on the boerd "does anyone know what autism is?" No one answers but then I see todoroki raise his hand "yes todoroki?" I respond "Autism spectrum disorder or ASD is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention" I nod at him and smile then he goes back to drawing.

After class everyone is left though I don't think todoroki realised as he is still drawing I noticed his tounge was poking out showing he was focused and involved but then he look up "finished?" I ask and he nodds so I walk over and what I saw amazed me

"Woah bud this is amazing,you really like space don't you?" I ask and he nods so I ask another question "can I put it on my wall" and he nods again and so I do I grab it take it to my desk I grab my soace themed drawing pins and you may be wondering why I have them well it's because when I found out he likes space I went to the shops to grab some so there but I pin it up right over my desk "you want to to the cafeteria or my office?" He thinks for a moment before answering me "can we go to your office?" I nod and walk out and he follows and once we reach my office we notice midoriya outside "midoriya?" I look at him then I realise but he responds before I can speak again "I need my insulin sir" I nod and open the door and they both follow me in todoroki turning off the light while walking in and grabbing the same light as yesterday "sir why is todoroki in here" midoriya asks me "because midoriya he doesn't want to go to the cafeteria " I respond and so he nods and asks "can I stay in here with him" and so I nod back and he goes to sit next to todoroki after taking his insulin.

When the bell rings I hear midoriya leave I don't have to leave but I decided to walk todoroki to his lesson he has heroics with all might so I guide him out it was all going well apart from him covering his ears he forgot his headphone in the class room but someone just had to ruin it.

<Todoroki's pov>

I was walking through the halls with aizawa and it was loud though I forgot my headphones in the class room but I was fine until someone bumped into me and so I ran into an empty class room forgetting aizawa was with me but I then sat in the corner and I was stimming like crazy I was rocking side to side back an forth my middle finger and thumb tapping against eachother I then heard somthing "Todoroki what's the matter bud?.." I didn't respond I couldn't respond I had to calm down "ok then bud can u breath with me ...on for four ... out for four ... in for four ... out for four" he said and so I copied him and it did eventually calm down "someone touched me" he looked at me confused "I've never seen you have this problem before" I sigh for a moment before answering my homeroom teacher "I was already over stimulated people touching me makes it worse" he looked at me sympathetically for a moment before asking "u don't have to go if you don't want to you can stay with me" I nod and he stands up "come on bud let's go tell all might you'll be with me" I nod and stand up the hall should've calmed down now so when we walk out I was relaxed.

Once we got the the 1a class room Mr aizawa opened the door and walks in slightly me following him though everyone was looking at me "everybody is looking at me" I whisper to aizawa and he whispers back "sorry bud ill be quick can you try and go?" I nod "all might if todoroki wants to leave your lesson then he can come to me but do not let him participate only help out" Mr aizawa said and all might replied clearly confused "suree.." aizawa nods "midoriya can u watch him" aizawa asks and midoriya nods and I walk over to my seat.

After all might explained and aizawa left we all went outside I didn't have to change because I wasn't doing it though all might did not listen to aizawa and made me take off my headphones so while bakugou was fighting kirishima it was loud like really loud and I was covering my ears but I saw midoriya come over "are you okay todoroki?" He asks me and I shake my head and then he says "ok well we can go to aizawas office I gotta get some juice and somthing cus my blood sugars are low" I look at him confused "I'm diabetic type 1" he continues and I nod and grab my stuff and walk to aizawas office with him when aizawa opened the door he sighs "didn't go well?" And I shook my head while midoriya said "sir I need juice my blood sugars are low" aizawa nods and grabs some juice ans crackers and hands them to him and midoriya leaves "come on I'm bud" he says to me before gesturing for me to come in and so I did i still had my hands over my ears "wheres your headphones?" Sensei asks me and I just say "he didn't listen" and aizawa sighs though while he does I yaw "tired?" He asks and I nod "he pull out the bed from the couch and I just stand there confused and then he grabs a blanket and pillow and then puts sheets on ,he turn the light that I like on and the main one off and said "come here bud" I go closer to him and he hugs "go to sleep on the bed" I nod and sit on the bed then I slowly lay down.

<aizawas pov>

Todoroki has been laying down for a while but he's still not asleep "struggling to sleep?" I ask and he says "mhm" so I go over to him "scoot over" and so he does and I sit up on the bed "cmere" and he does so I hug him and play with his hair and he eventually falls asleep

I can surely see a strong bond coming between us.


Heya this was not a ship it was dadzawa also yes I did diabetic deku in it to and sorry I'm gonna make all might mean

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