Chapter Eighteen: A Raven's End

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You ate him.

Cassandra's words keep running through my mind as I lie awake in one of the rooms near the top of the bunker. We have no power or lighting, so I'm just emerged in the darkness. I can feel Henry watching me, his blades held firmly in his hands, waiting for me to attack. It's clear he doesn't trust me. I can't really blame him, I don't fully trust myself either.

I keep staring at my hands, wondering what would happen if I bite into them. What did I look like while I was in titan-form? Did I have any skin? Muscle? Teeth? What about my hair and eyes? Did I have any special skills?

I turn over and face the wall, trying to block the thoughts out. We're heading north in the morning considering I'm no longer a threat to humanity. I'm free to return home once they deem me stable. In a way I'm excited for it, to see all of my friends again and resume my missions but in another way I'm dreading it. I keep thinking about Levi's reaction, how disgusted he'll probably be with me. He hates titans more than anything, so what is he going to say when he finds out I'm one?

I must drift off to sleep at some time because I find myself back in the interrogation room. It feels as though my body is there but I know I'm not, no one can see me, well, except for the Scorpion Lady.

She's staring right at me.

"Well about time, I'm surprised our mental link hasn't disintegrated yet thanks to your newfound power," she says, smirking. "How lucky are you? To miraculously wander into two people who had previously experimented on me and discovered one of the many secrets of the titan race?"

She scowls and shakes her head before raising bitter eyes to meet mine. The change in her demeanour almost frightens me.


"That really put a dent in my plans," she says in a low voice. "First you have me captured, then you run away, become a saviour and then discover your own salvation." She snorts and looks off to the side. "What comes around really does go around, doesn't it, Mika?"

"The original plan was to have you turn into a titan and destroy this whole bunker, while in turn setting me free," she continues on. "Let's face it, you're strong enough as it is in real life and because of your blood, you would've made an extra special pet to add to my collection. The fact that you ran away didn't really bother me as much, I could've just called you back when you turned but then you had to go a devour another titan-shifter, didn't you?"

The door opens beside her and a man walks in. His skin is red, eyes filled with purple veins and muscles swollen and bruised. He's carrying a bloody knife, and he mumbles something incoherent as he moves behind the Scorpion Lady.

"It matters not now, anyway," she shrugs and the sound of chains hitting the floor resounds around the cold room. "You're not the only pet I have at my disposal and although I'm sad that our connection is going to disappear, I won't dwell on it for long."

She stands up and rubs her wrists, her smirk returning. "By the way, I didn't appreciate you bluffing and making a fool out of me in front of your fellow captains. It was clever, I'll give you credit for that but it made me kind of thirsty for payback."

She licks her lips as she turns away from me and heads towards the door. "Maybe I'll quench my thirst by giving your dear boyfriend a visit."


I launch myself at her but with another laugh and a flick if her hand, she breaks off the connection and I'm jerked back to consciousness. It only takes me a few seconds to realise where I am before I'm up and on my feet, rushing out the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Henry yells, giving chase behind me.

"There's no time to explain, my friends are in danger and I need to leave now!" I shout over my shoulder, racing up the stairs, taking them three steps at a time.

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