Chapter 14

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*Blake's Motel*

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*Blake's Motel*

"Danny, where does your sister go when she's not here?"

"Don't know."

"Come on I know she has friends.  Do you know them?"

"Ask Blake. Don't know."


Just then Blake came through the door smiling widely. The second she looks at her dad it fades as he crossed his arms over his chest giving her the "look."

"Did I do something?"

"Blake, where exactly do you go at night with those people?"

"When the fuck did it matter?"

"Are one of those friends that boy I saw you with the other night?"

"Oh my god, dad stop it."

"No if your kissing, and doing god only knows what-"

"Dad! We are not having this conversation! I can take care of myself."

"Yeah well it's my job to make sure you are safe with the people you go out with."

"Everett's not even like that! He's just a normal teenage boy with barely any friends, social anxiety and a psychotic tremor!"

"I read an article once, it's always the quiet ones you should be worried about!"

Danny started rocking back and forth making Blake ignore her father and try to tend to him.

"Here Danny, take your fidget cube."

She placed it in his hands and for a second it worked but then he slammed it down and slapped it out of her hands when she tried to give it back. Blake persisted with him to take the cube but he shook his head.

Danny's tablet was dead so using that was out of the question. The news wasn't on right now so she couldn't help him there. But then Blake thought back to what Everett taught her.

"Okay, Danny look at me. Okay, I want you to widen your eyes, hold your tounge out, take a deep breath and breathe out."


Blake shakes her head until someone knocks on the motel door. She watches her dad answer it and instantly got butterflies when she sees Everett.

(Blake x Everett) GIVE IN 🐺❤🌕Where stories live. Discover now