With enough care, a flower can bloom.

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Aura wakes up with a light heart. She never imagined that spending time with the King would be so pleasing. Even after disrupting her conversation with Yunho, he kept her company for several hours, even had the guard bring them wine. And when he referred to them as friends in the future, she couldn't help but be so immensely touched by his sentiment.

Soon there is a knock on the door. She invites them in and there comes Mingi into the chambers with a sly grin on his face. Yunho must have told him everything. That little snake. She gets up and shushes his coming remark off. "Shut up, I'm not prying into your friendly business, so don't you dare pry into mine, blondie."

At this comment he tries to hide his flustered face with an indifferent expression but fails. He is far too predictable. "I was just thinking that you must have enjoyed your sleepless night."

"I did." An idea for a backfire comes to her mind and she feels a smirk coming to her face. "It may have a been a different way to enjoy a sleepless night, than what you know, but it was still pleasant." She remarks and points to a spot on her neck indicating something. "Do you need to borrow my make-up for that?" She keeps her smirk on and challenges the man in front of her with it.

Mingi is utterly flustered, touches his neck and runs to her bathroom looking in the mirror, searching for what she was indicating. To his surprise there is no red mark as he thought there was. Searching in confusion for any hickey, he hears the Duchess burst out laughing. He comes out with a dejected face much to her amusement.

"Don't worry, Mingi. You have a careful lover, who is respectful to your reputation." He looks mad, but that only makes him cuter. She responds to his visible pout. "But if ever needed, my offer on borrowing you my make-up stands."

The clerk steps out of the room, quietly announcing that he will have breakfast brought to her room soon. She smiles to herself knowing she properly embarrassed them man and goes to change into her day clothes.

Somehow, she wants to look pretty today. She puts on her black tight leather pants, that compliment her muscular figure. She also puts on her ox-blood-red tunic and black waistcoat with straps where the fabric on her front joins under her breasts. The outfit gives her a nice cleavage, which she highlights by wearing the pendant from Jisung. Her hair is tied in a bun with a few front strands of hair out.

Aura has always been a beautiful woman and her enthusiasm for trousers and men's clothing never stopped her from showing that she was a woman none the less. She puts on a little bit of make-up, mainly highlighting her blue eyes and plump lips.

After quick breakfast, Mingi comes to take her to the King's study and can't help another sly smirk when he sees her all dolled up. Upon leaving her quarters, Yunho joins him. "I see you dress to impress," says the clerk. But the Duchess doesn't mind his remark.

"Melania hasn't seen a woman apart from me for a long time, I want to show myself off with her. I promised her that I'd find the time for us to play."

Both men look at each other with a knowing grin when Yunho joins in on the debate. "Sure, I imagine that the little girl is the main reason for this."

She turns around to face him, "What do you imply?" But the soldier only smirks and looks her up and down. "Nothing, Your Grace. I just thought that your current look would make even royalty turn around."

The Duchess feels her cheeks getting hot, so she quickly turns back around and continues walking. Did she make herself glow up like this, so that the King would like her? She does want to be his friend and his implication last night told her that he probably wants the same thing. But does she want to flirt with him? Not so sure about that part.

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