Flower's little seed

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A soft knock on the door awakes Aura from her dreamless slumber. It is already broad daylight, the sun shining through the gaps of the drawn curtains.

Another knock on the door, a more desperate one this time. "Aura? Can I come in?" She quickly recognizes the voice of Mingi and urges him to come in. His clothes are different to the ones he was wearing during the night.

"Good morning." He says with a smile, barely hiding the worry on his face.

"Good morning, Mingi." She responds. "Did you manage to get any rest?" She is worried about the man in front of her. There are dark circles visible under his eyes.

"I was actually revoked from my station until midday. As soon as I arrived, a message from the King came, saying I should rest." He smiles kindly at her. Now that he mentions it, he does look a bit more rested. But also, restless.

The Duchess still is a worried about one particular person, but as if Mingi reads her mind, he quickly waves a hand and responds to her thoughts. "Yunho is the same. He arrived in our servant quarters soon after me."

She nods and after a few seconds she smirks, feeling a remark coming up from her mind. "So, you two share a room?"

At this comment, Mingi blushes heavily, rubbing his palm at the back of his neck. He slightly nods, which makes her smile even wider. "Good for you." She responds and shifts the weight on her feet.

The clerk seems lost in thoughts for a few seconds until suddenly he comes back to life, remembering why he came to the Duchess' chambers in the first place.

"Oh, yeah. The King asked for your presence at the audience hall." He quickly shudders, switching back to his professional mode.

Ah yes. The moment of truth has come upon us. King Chan's verdict on the course of things. Now they will know what happens next. And how the whole case of fishermen's guild culminates.

Aura takes time to look her best. She wears a wine-colored coat with brown pants and boots, hair tied in a simple braid to her left side. She hopes dearly that these aren't her last moments in the Wolfshowl kingdom. She couldn't live with herself if that was the case.

Even though she hasn't eaten anything since dinner, she couldn't care less about food now. Her stomach is in a knot, awaiting the King's decision.

They both arrive swiftly at the audience hall, King Chan already talking to some officiates and Yunho. San is standing there next to them looking at the two new arrivals. His smile is back.

Both Mingi and the Duchess bow at the King's notion of them. He nods his head and gestures towards the exit of the hall. "We are going to Buckman's guild. He expects us there. All of us." He says as he looks sternly in her direction.

Good heavens. The time has come.

They go by carriage. Aura sits next to Mingi, across from the King and focuses on anything but him. She still cannot look him in the eyes, she is too humiliated. The scene he had to witness that morning of her being a complete emotional mess, still lingers in her mind. She hopes she doesn't look low in his eyes.

Maybe it started when she first saw the King up close when he came to kiss the back of her hand upon their first meeting. Maybe it started when he was so open, ambitious and kind during their work in the few mornings they spent together. It might have started during the lunch that followed those mornings when they didn't care about their nobility.

Maybe, just maybe, it had started even before that. Whenever Jisung had spoken warmly of his brother back in Cloudburst. Of course, the Duchess was curious about this kind, smart and ambitious king, who her dear friend called brother.

The Torn Flower's Bloom | Bang Chan x OC Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang