[Maybe This Time Things Will Be Different ]

Start from the beginning

He got literally everything he needed and dreamed about, his own music room with all the instruments he play, a dance studio that was spacious and provided with the best sound system, he even has a garden!! With his favourite flowers and plants it has a swing like those in the movies and it a nice wooden setting, his bedroom was another thing the fact that it was painted with his favourite colour and filled with the things he loved he really didn't know what to feel anymore.

"I'll leave you to rest Mr Sung will be here later" Zhanghao's heart may has skipped a beat this guy did all of this just for him to feel at home and zhanghao would be lying if he said that the awful feeling is gone he felt a little bit lighter than he expected to feel.

Later that day someone knocked on his door when he said come in gyuvin peaked his head " hello Mr zhanghao" he said "hyung is alright" it was the first time that he actually spoke to the younger he felt awful " well hello hyung you've got some visitors" gyuvin said with a large smile that zhanghao couldn't help but return curiously.

"what the-....." he gaped at his friends who are also gaping at him then they all started talking at the same time.

"One person at a time!!!" he screached and kuanjui screached back " it all happened so quickly all I remember that we were still in the airport when we got messages from our parents saying that we're allowed to to to korea and then boom we suddenly he" kuanjui pointed at another guy in the room still talking "we got our bags and our families came and said goodbye and then we got into the plane then we came here!!!!" he said before taking a deep breath.

"that doesn't make sense!!!!!" zhanghao said "I know!!!" his friend screamed.

"well Mr Sung knew that you feel more comfortable with your friends around and that you guys had dreams together so he didn't want to separate you that's why he brought them here" the new guy said and zhanghao honestly didn't know what to say.

"hey listen maybe Mr sung wants someone who's actually young and fresh you know?" Ollie said doing some weird poses "the hell you're talking about??!" Ricky said standing in front of him "we all know that he need someone who's young and rich tall and handsome like my self eh" he said and kuanjui glared at them.

"I'm so tired of hearing that sentence of yours stahp and no he wouldn't want any of you he already chose hao" he said bitterly " well we should thank him" he added looking at the two guys who were watching them.

"he'll be here later how about I show you were you guys will be staying.... The name's yujin BTW" the other guy.... Well yujin said leading them to where their rooms are "this place looks kinda familiar" Ricky said as they left , and zhanghao stood there he felt lost...why would any one do such things for him was he even worth it.

He was overwhelmed and he didn't even know that he was crying and breathing heavily, he could hear gyuvin's panicked voice calling his hyung.

He suddenly felt another present next to him and someone held his face. "hey hey hey what's wrong???" for some reason that made zhanghao cry even more "oh my god please don't cry...did I forget something?....i-is it the house?" the guy kept drying his tears he was trying his best to make zhanghao calm down he kept whispering stupid apologies and running his hand through Zhanghao's hair which made him calm down.

Zhanghao allowed the guy to pull him up and drag him around the house he found himself in the kitchen sitting on one of the chairs he was handed a cup of water he silently drank it before looking up...

And wow....

Oh wow

Zhanghao blushed at the stupidly handsome male that was sitting in front of he didn't blush because the stranger was gorgeous no it's that his eyes that were stuck on him with a concerned gaze.

"are you feeling better now?" his voice was so quite and gentle zhanghao wanted to cry again he nodded looking away " why were you crying?" the guy took his hand brushing his thumb over Zhanghao's knuckles and he was about to panic when he noticed the ring on the guys hand....

It can't be..

This can't be his husband!!!!!!

So he did die in a plane crash wow that's the only explanation to whatever this is he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a chuckle " I can hear you thinking too hard!" the guy said laughing again.

Zhanghao decided that he liked the sound of it.....

"you didn't tell me why were you crying" the other pouted and zhanghao felt a stupid squeeze on his chest this really can't be his husband he's not this lucky!!!! " you're supposed to tell your husband what upset you" he added in a pouty tone and zhanghao wanted coo loudly at how cute that was.

"well...my name is sung hanbin and you're now  sung zhanghao in case you don't know" hanbin said nodded his head and Zhanghao's brain was full of alarms and red lights( I can't beaaaaath without-.....)

The other chuckled again taking Zhanghao's hand on his while using his other one to play with Zhanghao's ring.

" i just want you to know that I'll try my best for you to fall in love with me the way I fell in love with you" hanbin said raising his hanb to lips and giving it a gentle kiss..

Zhanghao things that he's already fallen.


Thank you Haruto, wang zihao, chen kuanjui, Ollie, hiroto, Seowon, Cha Woongki, Lee seunghwan takuto, zhang shuaibo, you'll be missed.....

Pt 2 coming soon.....

Or not

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