[yujinnie Wants His Parents Back]

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In which the haobin are already dating but got into a fight that made them stop talking to each other and yujin who is basically their son try to get them to make up.

No beta read.


"it all started when I was 16" yujin said staring at nothing in particular "you do know that turned 16 like last month right?" gyuvin said and raised his hands in surrender when yujin glared at him "anyway I'm not in the. Mood to tell my life story anymore cuz of some people" he said still glaring at the other male.

"my parents are fighting" he said pouting " they're not your parents" Ricky said as he entered the room " they're his parents though" Ollie said and yujin ran and hugged him "you're the only one who support me brother" he said dramatically and the others sighed.

"why did you gather us here again?" gyuvin asked "oh yeah junhyeon hyung and taerae hyung are hosting a camping trip tomorrow!" yujin said exitedly " it's originally to bring my parents to talk to each other again so I came with a genius plan" he said nodding "which is?" Ricky asked intrested he honestly can't stand the other two fighting its weird and unbearable.

"I'm gonna say that I got lost into the woods and that I don't Know where I am so they can come together and search for me..... Maybe they'll make up while doing so" he said pouting again "I'll help you" Ricky said " I'm sorry I can't go tomorrow eumpappa has an appointment" gyuvin said.

"I still can't understand why you named it eumpappa what kind of a name is that?" ricky said " no one asked for your opinion Ricky" gyuvin glared at him.

"and the mission of getting my parents to talk to each again is on! " yujin said gazing into the nothing again.

"this child need some help" Ricky rolled his eyes "it's on!" he said sanding next to yujin and looking exactly where the other is looking as if they're looking into a camera or being interviewed..

"everyone in this house needs help" Ollie said walking away.


"isn't it beautiful????" yujin said excitedly as he looked around the area there's a nice wooden house in the middle of the forest surrounded by trees and perfect for camping.

"how did you manage to rent this place?" yujin asked taerae who pointed at Ricky who shrugged "damn your young and rich ass" yujin said only to be slapped at the back of his head " no cursing" zhanghao said yujin clinged into him "sowwyy" he starts acting like the spoiled brat he is around zhanghao.

But frowned cuz zhanghao and Hanbin acted as if  the other wasn't even around they completely ignored each others present and the tension was real.

"let's go inside " junhyeon said walking inside the house "you guys go I'll wait for a while" yujin said and Ricky gave him tumps up which he nodded the others went inside.

One hour later..

Ricky kind of hate this yujin was taking forever and the tension in the room could be cut by a house both of junhyeon and taerae were trying to trying to open subjects which never last long cuz the other couple were both trying to avoid talking specially with the other in the room.

"yujin so taking so long I'm gonna go check on him" Ricky said basically running out of the house he let out a breath he didn't know that he was holding before looking around but yujin was nowhere to be seen "I'll call him" he said trying to call yujin.

"hey where are you-....."

"*sniff*.. Hyung!.. I dunno w-where I am and *sniff* I am S-scared plea-.... Beep beep beep"

"oh shit!" ricky cursed running back to the house "yujin is lost!" he said and the others quickly stood up "what?" zhanghao came to Ricky holding him by the shoulders "what happened????!" he asked.

"well he wanted you guys to think that he's lost but he got lost for real" he said "and you allowed him to go by himself??!!" zhanghao raised his voice a little "what the hell rickey????" hanbin said glaring at the blond who lowered his eyes.

"I'll deal with you later" zhanghao said leaving the house with hanbin and Ricky right behind him " you guys go this way we'll go this way" he said and the other nodded him Ricky and Hanbin went the same way while junhyeon and taerae went the other.

They kept going around the forest yelling for the younger guy.

"yujin" zhanghao called out his throat gone sore from yelling too much "hyung!" he snapped his head towards the direction and ran to the younger when he saw him yujin quicky throw him self into zhanghao crying " it's okay it's okay hyung is here" zhanghao tried to assure him " I was s-so scared" yujin said sniffing and zhanghao pulled away from the hug and started checking the younger for injuries.

"I'm O-okay" yujin said " good" yujin screached loudly when zhanghao pulled at his ear "what were you thinking!!!" he scolded the younger

"scaring us like that and for what"

"ow ow OW HYUNGIE NO"  yujin screamed trying to get away and sighed in relive when zhanghao let go of his ear and hugged him again his typical hyung.

"yujin!" they heard hanbin's voice and pulled away as hanbin hugged yujin before pulling at his other ear "what were you thinking young man!" and yujin screached again.

" I hate it when you're fighting!" he yelled then started sniffing again " I hate it" he mumbled pouting his lower lip wobbling " I wanted you to talk to each other and and" he starts crying again "oh yujinnie" zhanghao hug him and Hanbin with our hesitation join hugging both of them.

"I hate when we're fighting too" he mumbled "hyung I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get so close to her even when you told me not to cuz she like me" hanbin apologised and zhanghao sighed " I'm sorry too I didn't mean to get so mad about it and make you feel as if I don't trust you binnie I do it was her that I didn't trust she was so touchy and clingy and I was afraid" both didn't notice that yujin pulled away from the hug and that they're now holding each other.

"hao hao why would you be afraid" hanbin frowned " she's everything that I'm not" zhanghao looked down and hanbin's frown deepens "she's pretty and popular and everyone wanted you guys together and-.." hanbin placed his index finger on Zhanghao's lips "listen to me and listen to me carefully hyung" he said placing his hand over Zhanghao's cheek " in my eyes you're the most beautiful hard working and unique person I don't want anyone else but you and even in a room full of beautiful people or whatever my eyes will alway and I mean always be looking at you" he said leaning down and zhanghao met him half way pouring his unspoken words into the kiss.

Both missed each other dearly but before things get more heated "OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH GIVE ME SOME LOVE" yujin quickly forced them apart before throwing his arms around their shoulders.

And later that night as the sat by the camp fire zhanghao and Hanbin sharing a blanket snuggling against each other whispering and sharing kisses, yujin who was sitting not so far from them looked into nothing " and my parents are finally back together it was a toughy journey but totally worth it" he smiled.

"binnie he's doing it again I told you to not allow him to use the Internet for too long!"

"sorry love he's a teenager let him be"


This was fun to write honestly I hope you like it 🐥

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