You come out to Ena

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F/F: Favourite Food

F/M: Favourite Movie

S/C: Sexuality choice


Recently, life has been   very chill. But something had been bothering me. About mentioning how I really feel.

I have just been laying around at Ena's house on her couch (obv cause I live there now). Today I asked Ena if she wanted to watch a movie and she agreed. We sat on the couch and ate some F/F while watching F/M. We were halfway through the movie until I noticed Ena looking at me. She looked concerned.

"Are you alright, Y/N? Something must be troubling you," she says. I look at her confused. "Do I look troubled?" I ask. "Indeed. Your face is showing that expression.". I didn't know that. Did I seem troubled?

"Can you tell me what's bothering you, please? As long as you're okay with answering?" Ena says.

Well. Right now should be a decent time to tell. But I am a bit stressed to know how Ena will react if I tell. What is she doesn't support me? Will she kick me out? Does this sorta stuff not exist in this universe?

"Oh! Sincerest apologies. You are looking a lot more stressed now. I am sorry!" Ena apologized. "Oh no! It's. alright. Sorry. But yeah- something's been on my mind and it's been bothering me.". I take a deep breath. "Is it alright if I tell you? And you- won't think differently of me when I tell you?" I ask very hesitantly.

Ena looked at me really concerned. She speaks in her feminine voice. "Is this goiwing to be a sad storwy?" she says sounding upset. "Oh no no no! It won't! It's alright!" I say comforting her. She goes back to her masculine voice, "Alright.". She grabs to tv remote, points it at the screen, and turns off the movie. She puts the remote down and turns to me.

"I am all ears. Please inform me." Ena says.

I take a deep breath once again. There's no going back to what happens now.

"Ena. I have wanted to tell you that I want you to support me with my choice. That is the fact that I am S/C. I'm sorry.". I look away and scrunch up my fists in my lap. Scared the know how Ena will react.

"Y/N." Ena says sternly. I look at her. "I am so grateful and happy that you have told me. Nothing has changed and nothing will. There is no need for stress about this. I will accept and support you no matter what. Thank you for telling me." she says, a lot more cheerfully and comfortingly.

I smile. "Thank you, Ena. I was really hoping for a good answer". I say.

"What you hoped for has been received to you." Ena exclaims cheerfully.

Ena Scenarios / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now