"I do not have the skills to find it, but there are others in Middle Earth who can," he heard Gandalf comment as he leaned over the table.

-Thorin does not sing often, but everyone stops and listens when he does. His deep voice never fails to invoke images of gleaming halls, blazing fires, and a never-ending ache for a home long lost-

"Gandalf will have fought hundred of dragons in his day!" Kili exclaimed somewhere further down the table. An argument soon followed, but he did not hear the words.

-"I've never been so wrong in all my life..." Thorin suddenly moves forward and wraps him in a hug that sweeps him off his feet. He returns the hug instinctively, curling his hands into the fur of the king's coat. It has been a long time since he received a hug-

"-lbo? Bilbo!"

Bilbo jumped slightly as a hand landed on his shoulder, dragging him from his memories and back to the present. He looked up at the owner of said hand and found Gandalf staring down at him with pursed lips.

"Are you well, Bilbo?" the wizard questioned.

"What? Of course, of course." He leaned back and waved the wizard away. "Sorry, I just dozed off there for a bit. What were you saying?"

"We were discussing your position as our burglar," Thorin filled in, giving him the same look he would give a toad in his path. "The wizard here seems sure you will be a worthy asset to our Company. The rest of us do not agree."

"Understandable. It's not like any of you know me or have seen my skills," Bilbo agreed, carefully avoiding looking directly into Thorin's eyes. "But I assure you I will do my best to help you all on this journey. That is all I can say in my defense."

Gandalf smiled while the Dwarves murmured amongst each other and exchanged looks. While he knew his words did help him slightly, the only way his Dwarves would believe him capable would be when they saw him in action.

"If you are in my Company, I will do my best to watch over you as I do the rest. But I cannot guarantee your safety or life," Thorin pointed out, still watching him with those blue eyes.

He nodded, pleased with such an admission. "Good. I do not want you putting your life ahead of my own. If it ever comes to a point where it is my life or yours, you must always choose yourself."

"Bilbo!" cried Gandalf, aghast.

"No!" Bilbo cut him off before the wizard could begin. "Do not argue with me about this, Master Gandalf. I am a simple Hobbit from a simple line with no spouse or child to depend on me. If I perish, would it make a difference in the grand scheme? No, it would not. But Master Thorin here is a king and leader of his people. He must live to reclaim their home from this dragon; his life matters more than mine."

At that point, all the Dwarves stared, unsure what to make of him. Even Thorin looked taken back by his sudden admission. Only Gandalf seemed disturbed by his words.

Bilbo honestly did not care if his old friend agreed or not. In the grand scheme of things, he knew he was essential to the world, but only to a certain point. His destiny had been to find the ring and carry it to Frodo, whose destiny was to destroy it. But since he never intended to let that damn ring be in the same city as his precious nephew, he believed his importance diminished in such a matter. Besides, he had a plan for the ring and knew it could cost him his life. But that was a risk he would take if it saved Frodo from his cruel fate.

"Looks like the Hobbit has made up his mind," Dori pointed out, giving Bilbo a look he could not read.

"Yes, it seems that way," agreed Thorin, his face returning to the blank mask he was most familiar with. "Balin, give him the contract and see that he reads and signs it."

A Shot in the Dark (Thilbo - Bagginshield)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum