"Yes, we just arrived." She told me that she'd be here in fifteen minutes and she'd buy some food on her way here.

Using that opportunity, I went to the bathroom to freshen up and change my clothes into pajamas.

After about five minutes, Evelin arrived holding Lexi in her little pet carrier.

I hugged Evelin and took Lexi out. She snuggled in my neck and started purring. "Hey baby, I missed you too." I kissed her head and she relaxed in my hold.

"How are you, Aimee? You look tired." Evelin sat next to me on the sofa and folded her legs to her chest.

"Yes, the ride drained me." She smirked and clasped her hands together.

"Okay so now tell me how everything went." I smiled. "Wait, something happened. Why are you blushing?" She jumped and started interrogating me.

"You look, smitten girl. Now tell me what happened." I took a deep breath and started speaking.

I told her everything. From the morning when he picked me up to the time when we arrived at his house. How everything went on the meeting and then when he cooked for me, and what he did when I asked him how to cut the potatoes.

About the forehead kiss.

Then I described to her how he took me to the place where he would go when he was younger. The pictures he took of me.

And then I finally told her about the kiss.

Her mouth stayed open in shock while she carefully listened to every word I said.

"And that's it." I finished.

"That's it? Aimee, you literally relieved a movie story with your boss and you just say that's it?" She started to laugh.

"I can't believe that Mr. Hyde would be that romantic. I mean it's not like I know him personally, but I know him from what Rowan is telling me. And also I told you he wants you."

When she and Rowan were telling me that he likes me, I couldn't believe them. I couldn't believe that Leo would feel that way about me.

And I was stupid for not noticing it.

But I always thought that he was just being nice to me and nothing more.

"Now what's that face?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm just worried what will happen now." Evelin rolled her yes. "Nothing's going to happen Aimee. You are both adults and you can make decisions for yourself. Don't worry, everything will work out amazingly."

"You know I always tell the truth, right?" She hugged me and reassured me that everything would be alright.

We talked for a while and ate our food.

"Did you look for venues for the wedding?" I knew she and Rowan were planning the wedding.

"We found the perfect place but it will be free next year on the date that we want to get married. Rowan and I agreed that we would wait till then." Oh, I thought that they wanted to do it this year.

"We are not going to rush things, I want the wedding to be perfect."

"That makes sense. If you both agree, then there is no need to rush."

Evelin showed me a couple of photos of the place and it looked wonderful. It was totally her style and I couldn't wait for the next year.

She has been planning this for a long time, ever since they got together all she talked about was the wedding. I was so excited for her, she deserved everything in this world.

"I should go now. Rowan is spending the night at my place." We both stood up and I walked her to the door.

"Call me when you have time. And don't worry." She kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." She got out and I closed the door after her.

It was now time to lay in bed and do nothing. I reached the sofa and took Lexi in my hands. I held her close to me and we stayed like that for a while watching TV and snuggling with each other.

A message popped on my phone screen. I opened it and it was Leo.

Good night, baby.

I smiled and a giggle left my lips. I felt like my high school crush texted me for the first time.

Good night, Leo.

I replied.

"I've got it bad Lexi," I whisper to her.

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