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"Alexandra," Yang Guo called, and I couldn't help but shiver at the way he so deliciously said my name. He didn't just say my name, he breathed it, caressed it, made me come alive with just the sound of his velvety voice, so thick and husky with... lust? Did he want me as much as I wanted him? It couldn't be, right? Why else would he ditch me in the first place?

"How could you be so ungentlemanly as to refuse to meet me? To-To tell me that you had already met me??" I asked indignantly, then stopped as I tried to figure out my own words, my own thoughts. Did I want him to apologize? To grovel? I shuddered at the thought. Groveling men are not very appealing. Groveling men are beep!

Yang Guo laughed at my confused expression. "I'm so extremely sorry. Give me a chance to rectify my mistake?"

My breath stopped as he stepped closer, close enough that I could feel his breath fanning across my face. My core heated at our close proximity and yet I willed myself to stand my ground, wanting to see what he would do.

"Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me, Miss Alexandra?" He asked softly. I swayed a little, drunk at the teasing glint in his eyes. There was a glimmer of something else there too. "I'd like to tell you about the most beautiful girl on earth whom I met and don't intend to let go. Ever."

And there it was. The magic words that made my heart go pitter-patter as it soared high into the clouds, never to come down. With my face aflame, I gave him a tiny nod of my head and watched as a blinding smile danced across his angelic face. My Angel. "Yes," I whispered shyly.

Suddenly, I was engulfed in his arms. "Alexandraaaaaaa..." He drawled in that rumbly voice of his, the "r" rolling off his tongue like satin on skin. It made me giggle like a little schoolgirl. It also made me hot as hell. Could I come from just the sound of his voice? Oh my, but he was sex on wheels that I would love to ride on. Beep! Heavens! Where did that thought come from? Oh my poor innocent mind. Surely it was all May's fault for corrupting me like this! And maybe Jaime.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered, aroused at the image that came to mind. Riding. Beep!

Yang Guo grinned down at me, his eyes smoldering as he studied my face. "Hmm," he began curiously, "I'm beginning to like this librarian look on you. It's quite sexy."

His tongue darted out a tad and my eyes automatically drew to that sinful piece of meat. Holy beep! What am I thinking? Why am I thinking of biting him? Of sucking on that-Beep! My eyes bulged and I gaped up at him, my shaking fingers pushing up my glasses. "W-What?" I stammered while trying furiously to bleach my dirty, perverted thoughts.

As if knowing what I was thinking, he laughed heartily, the sound vibrated through my body. I could feel something else nudging at me from down below and I stiffened. Oh Beep! What do I do now? Beep! Beep! Beep! What would my friend Jae do? Oh Sage! If only I had you here to knock some sense into me. An-And Ray to save me because my heart is about to explode! Nina, Nina, Nina! Where are you, my sound of reason?


"Ha?" Did my voice squeak?

"So," Yang Guo whispered seductively in my ear.

I held my breath as he tenderly stroked the side of my face, then hooked a few loose strands of hair behind my ear. While he was busy looking at my hair, I admired the beauty mark at the corner of his eye. So intent on the cinnabar mole, I didn't have time to react to his next move.

"Can I undo your... bun?" Though he asked the question, he didn't wait for an answer and pulled the pen I used to hold up my hair. "Beautiful," he murmured as my hair cascaded down my back to tangle in his fingers.

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