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Huffing under the harsh sun, I was glad to have finally found a shade in a quaint little cafe. The moment I entered, a sigh left my lips as the air conditioner blew out cool air caressing my overheated skin.

Finding a spot by a shaded window, I placed my bag next to an empty chair and took a seat with a heavy thud. Placing my head on the table I waited for my body to cool even more. It was so hot today. I must have dozed off for the next moment a tap on my shoulders woke me up.

Gathering my bearings I looked around, only to find a man dressed in a blue shirt and black trousers waking me up gently by placing a glass of cold coffee in front of me. Blinking once, twice, thrice, I finally mustered the courage and looked at his face and gasped inwardly. Holy love of everything dear to me... who is this guy?

The shirt was striking against his dark black orbs, but what mesmerized me was a single spectacled glass perched carefully on his nose and a mole right below his lids and the other on his earlobe like a diamond solitaire stud.

"Ma'am?" His voice was dreamy.

Wait! Am I dreaming?

I then realized that my scarf was covering my face and as I pinned it behind my ears, his eyes widened and slowly a smile bloomed on his face.

"Hello beautiful." He greeted with awe.

From ma'am to beautiful... I liked this.

"My name is Yang Guo." His smile was so dreamy and captivating.

"My name is-" He cut me off and smiled, "Alexandra, I know."

Scrunching my eyebrows together I asked, "How did you know?"

Showing me my identification card, he spoke, while his lips suppressed mirth. "It had fallen off from your bag." Before I could utter another word he brought out a small cake in front of my face, "Happy Birthday."

Am I dreaming?

"It's my birthday too." He confessed with a small blush and blew on the candle softly, "I wished for the most beautiful girl to be mine," raising his eyes to meet mine he grins, "seems my wish is fulfilled."

Oh My!

I was mesmerized by his looks. Was I under hypnosis? I just couldn't look away from his eyes! I was being a complete idiot over here. Not being able to say a word and probably staring at him like a stupid. What must he think of me? I tried to gather myself and at least make an attempt to utter sounds.

"How..." I squeaked, then stopped and cleared my throat. I finally took a look around the café. "Do you work here?" I asked softly.

His eyes flitted to my lips for a second, making me catch my breath. But the next moment he shook his head with another smile. "It's my friend's café. He asked me to look after it while he went to run some chores." He answered. God, his melodious voice...

He got up from the chair and smiled down at me. "I hope you are not thinking that I am forward like this generally. I am sorry if I offended you, ma'am."

"You didn't offend me." His smile at my words dazzled me. "I mean... I'm not in the habit of receiving cakes and compliments offered to me like this, but somehow, coming from you it seems okay." I dipped my head shyly, hearing him laugh.

"That's... good." He said, running his fingers through his hair shyly. "I've never done anything like this. So I'm kind of relieved that you didn't punch me immediately." I couldn't help chuckling. Picking up a spoon I dig into the cake with a gesture asking, "May I?" I was answered with a smile.

Strawberry. Mmm. It was my favorite. Did he know about it too? I was thinking about asking him, when he turned at a call from another customer.

"Please enjoy the cake and coffee." He said with a kind smile, "I have to attend the shop." He bowed and walked away.

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