17. A super deadly hang-out

Start from the beginning

It was better than a lot of places she'd slept when she was living on the streets. But Adela hadn't ever felt more uneasy.

Every time she took a step, it was like there were eyes on her back, watching her. Glaring. Waiting to cast her out as an evil intruder. There was a shelf of books in her room, about heroes, gods and monsters. The spines were all, predictably, in Ancient Greek. It made Adela want to look away. Something about that felt wrong. She'd only been at Camp Half-Blood for a week or so when she was little, but those memories were hazy. She only recalled leaving to get her father, and the way things... went wrong from there. But she hadn't thought being at camp again would be like this. Marion hadn't described it this way. Marion had said it was a safe haven. Adela didn't feel like she was in a safe haven. She felt like she was in enemy territory.

"What do you mean, Marion is gone?!" Adela cried.

"I'm sorry, child," Chiron sighed. He was in his wheelchair form since the ceiling of the second floor was too low for him. He had dark circles under his eyes, probably from the stress of an impending attack. When he looked at her, though, he became guarded. Like he was hiding something. "It appears Quintus was not who he claimed. He abducted Marion whilst she was leaving the infirmary, five days ago."

"You should've told me sooner!"

"I have been busy, Adela." Chiron even sounded tired. "Things have progressed quickly. More quickly then even I can keep up with."

"I'm going after her again." Adela stood up, grabbing Gladys the cat and looking for her backpack.

"It will do no good," Chiron told her. "She is gone by now. Last year, I would already be organising a rescue mission. But we can't spare anyone when an invasion is imminent."

"I can't just do nothing!" Adela snapped. "I'm not leaving her alone. Not again."

"Hm," Chiron's face broke out into the ghost of a smile. "You know, when she discovered you were here, Marion said almost the exact same thing about you."

Adela stilled. Of course she did. That stupid, sweet girl. Adela violently bit her lip to stop it from trembling. Marion was gone, again. And Adela was helpless, again. She hadn't meant for things to get so far. She hadn't meant to lo - care for Marion. But now that she did, she... she couldn't take it back. She didn't want to.

But how could Marion ever feel the same way? Even if she liked girls, how could she ever like Adela? Not after Adela had kept Mason's presence in Texas from her, just because she didn't want to see Marion scared. Marion should have been scared. Adela was a fool for ever pretending otherwise. How could Marion ever forgive her, let alone... let alone... never mind.


Chiron put a hand on her shoulder. He seemed guilty about something.

"There are things I'm not telling you. I am sorry for that. But I cannot reveal them. There is a fight coming soon. You may be needed. I understand that you're afraid of being around... people. I will not force your hand. But I do caution you: recklessly going into the labyrinth after Marion Carter will not do you good. The fates do not tend to let heroes do the same thing twice and be lucky both times."

Adela wouldn't describe what happened to Marion as lucky.

And she didn't have to listen to Chiron.

She grabbed her backpack and went to march out of the room and towards the labyrinth, but Chiron caught her before she could get halfway to the door.

By the hand.

Adela gasped and yanked her hand away, stepping back. "You- you-"

"Di Immortales," Chiron held a hand to his forehead. "I am making a mess of this. Child, you do not have to worry. I know of your curse. I am an immortal centaur. I can only die if I am no longer needed to train heroes. You do not pose a danger to me."

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