Important Information

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  ‼️Please read‼️

-clownillustration said on his Twitter that he made a tage for NSFW since people were going to make it anyway regardless if it was allowed or not so he made this so he wouldn't have to look at it (I'm not sure if this is true but I don't want to shove words in thier mouth since they just said to use this tage for the NSFW specifically and nothing else).  The tage is #PlayfellowXXX. (Please use the tag! If you are doing NSFW)

-If you're under age avoid this tag!

-Also if you're going to do NSFW of alternative versions of wally and the rest of the crew be sure to see the boundaries of thier respective owners first to see if they are comfortable with it! (Thanks)

As some of you know some of the community of welcome home has been disrespecting Partycoffins wishes which include

-Making merchandise of his creation to sell also a BIG no no. Since they have ownership of his characters. He wants to do merch later in the future to get him out of a toxic home (I'm not sure)

Also please know that he is the only one making this project and with the influx of new fans on this project got him scared on how now he feels like his life has no privacy as well as being in everyone's high expectations. So please be respectful and be mindful of his boundaries.

If he completely stops his project over this I won't blame him and I'll continue to support him for whatever future projects he decides to make. So again for his sake please give him the respect he deserves.


Also something I forgot to mention please don't be mean or reprimand people one clowns behalf because that is also something that clown doesn't want us to do. You can just tell them what they are doing against clowns' boundaries and to stop or you can just flat out avoid it.

Also if you see any Partycoffin (clown) impersonators report them immediately.

Thank you for reading :)

Hello I haven't updated this book yet but I'm proud to announce that chapter 3 is finished but I'll be doing some editing on the already existing chapters so there will be no spelling mistakes before I publish the latest edition to the book to please bear with me ':) (5/21/23)


Hello, It's been a while that I haven't posted anything here, but just to let you all know that I'm still writing this book, it's just that eveything that is going on in my personal life is been crazy so I haven't finished the latest chapters for this book.

Since I'm still here I saw in clownillustration Twitter that he is allowing NSFW as long as the content has this hash tage #PlayfellowXXX , Right now some people are hating the tage and leaving a lot of hate comments under it so pleased be careful when exploring the tag. The only reason that it's there is so the younger audience won't see it and people that want to do that type of content have a safe space of it. So if you're under 18 and see this tag you will know that it's not meant for you. [Not to sound mean but it's just for your safety and the people that are creating this type of content :) ]

And before anyone says that clownillustration was hacked and didn't post this, they twetted that they weren't hacked and they really mean that NSFW is permitted as long as you use the tag #PlayfellowXXX. So the people that are above the age of 18 have fun! And for the kids that are under the age of 18 please avoid the tag when you see it.
Hope everyone has a good day/night!

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