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You were running

It was dark, the only light was from the moon. You keeped running afraid of getting caught.

you didn't look back....

You didn't want to look back.

The forest was thick but it was possible to get through.

You were getting tired. Your lungs were burning. Your legs were getting numb but you persisted. You slipped and cut yourself with a sharp rock that was on the forest floor, that didn't stop you though. You assumed you were far enough so you ripped a piece of fabric from your sweater and wrapped it around the gash. Once you were done you heard something. Not taking any chances you ran.

Until you saw a clearing... a chance to escape. You sprinted to the clearing when your eyes started to get blurry due to the blood lost. slipped and fell from the forest hillside all the way down then hit your head and side hard.

Your pov:

*It's dark...*

*Everything is so cold...*

*Where am I?*

*Why can't I move?*

*Who am I?*

You questioned everything that was happening to you... and yet you never got your answers. But soon it wouldn't be like this for long... as you suddenly felt warmth and the sensation that you were falling...

*Am I falling!? Come on y/n open your eyes! Or spread your limbs to slow yourself down even by a little! ANYTHING!!!*

Just as you said that you shot up from where you were laying from and took a look around completely forgetting the answers to your questions... you were in a field of colorful flowers ranging from red to blue.

"A field of flowers?...."

In the middle of the field there was a little pond. You rushed to it to take a look at yourself.

Once you saw your reflection bright as day. You had some medium length hair with some 1960 to 1970 clothing where they were all battered and dirty like they fell from some high place and a piece of it was missing.

You felt no pain... that was until you did (・・;)

"Ah! Mother fu-" _| ̄|○

You practically layed like that for a good while, cursing at yourself as you did. The adrenaline that you got from waking up did a swelling job on concealing your pain. but eventually the pain cooled down. You looked at yourself one more time and as you looked at yourself more clearly it was confirmed that you are a puppet that contains the same human characteristics but more cartoony like so not to scare children. Like your eyes for example, but due to your blurry vision it was hard to see far distances. (That "fall" really did a number on you huh?)

Then you looked at your body, and you noticed a patch of blood. So you lifted your leg pants and saw a gash but was patched up with a cloth that was soaked with blood.

*so that's where the piece went*

Then you lifted your shirt, carefully so as to not give yourself another shock of pain and saw a bruise on your side that probably went up to your shoulder and down to your thigh. That wasn't good, especially when you could feel some of your bones broken when you moved. Then you looked around for some signs of civilization.

It took a while but you managed to spot some smoke. That could only mean either a camp or a house where you can ask for help. But you contemplated whether you wanted to go or not since you don't know what they will do to you or if it's just an empty area that was just recently unoccupied by the people that were there. Besides, you were in no shape to move let alone strong enough to stand your ground, so you just laid there for now in the field of flowers for the rest of the day. You could feel your eyes getting heavy as the sun started to set and it started to get cold

*Welp if the cold won't kill me in my sleep to night I'll check out that smoke area"

as you feel asleep you hear someone.

"Oh dear..."

You looked at the direction of the voice and you saw a very tall chicken? Hen? But you weren't sure if it was since it was getting dark and its features weren't visible. But you were too tired to care what it was going to do to you. So you just started to drift off, not before feeling like it was picking you up carefully like a mother would when their child got hurt.

* soft....*

And just like that you passed out.

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