New infomation

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The story has not gone TOO far yet, but I just want to know if people are reading this. All the hype for Julie and the phantoms is kinda gone now because it was more around 2020 to 2021. I kinda missed my chance,

also, I am having a breakdown over here but I just kinda forget about that when I'm writing. So I may be kinda slow to upload parts XD

This will not be discontinued! Even if I get out of this phase, I will still write more because I don't want to leave it XD, its my first Wattpad story and I don't really want to leave it.

So yeah, life just got crazy, and the story just started, and I am kinda having writers block rn, but I know where this story is going and I know what to write. If you are actually reading this, then thank you so much for paying attention to this! <3

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