Chapter 2: Soar High (LUKE'S POV)

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It was our gig. I was ready, the rest of the band seemed to be ready as well. Julie seemed ready to sing, Alex looked ready to drum, and Reggie looked... A little less enthusiastic. I'm sure he was ready, we had been practicing this over and over to make it sound perfect, and it was.

"You guys ready?" Julie said as she walked over to us.

We all nodded, except Reggie. 

Odd... Is he okay? I thought to myself I brushed it off, he had not been able to focus a lot lately, I just hoped he could focus tonight. I got out my guitar from the case. I was used to it spawning when I wished for it, but ghost days are over. Now people could see us. Luckily, we had made up the lie that we moved here, from wherever we were 'apparently' from. We started the song, it was the best start to a song we ever did, because this time, we did not just poof in when we started playing, we were there. Julie started the song, as per normal.

I was feeling low,

 didn't know where to go

 My heart was heavy, 

my mind was slow 

But then a voice whispered in my ear

Said, "Rise up high, conquer your fear"

Julie nailed it, like always. As we joined in for the chorus, Alex beating his drums first, and I shredding at my guitar, the crowd roared with cheer. Luckily, Reggie was focused enough to join in too. I smiled as we all sang the chorus.

Rise up high,

 till you reach the sky 

Spread your wings, 

it's time to fly

 Let the wind take you where it may 

Soar and climb,

 in your own way

It was brilliant. the chorus went so well! I had not felt this much excitement since we became alive again, playing in front of a crowd as people?! This was one of the best experiences I had ever felt. I took the lead for the second verse. 

I took a deep breath,

 and I closed my eyes

 Felt the warmth of the sun, 

as it touched the skies 

Julie had joined in two for our duet, but for some reason, I could not take my eyes off Reggie. I looked at him, and then he glanced at me, I quickly darted my eyes back to the crowd, not wanting to be caught.

With each step I took, 

I felt a new strength I knew in my heart, 

I'd go to great lengths

As we jammed for the chorus, Reggie ran over to my microphone, a little less enthusiastic then he normally is, but I guess it was all for the performance. 

Rise up high,

till you reach the sky

Spread your wings,

it's time to fly

Let the wind take you where it may

Soar and climb,

in your own way

I was hyped for this part. all of us were singing at the same time. This was obviously normal for us, but I enjoyed every second of it. Reggie ran back to his microphone as we started the bridge of the song, Alex had stopped drumming for this part, like we rehearsed. 

Don't be afraid to reach for the stars  (for the stars!)

You are stronger than you think you are (What you are!)

Believe in yourself, and let your light shine (Your light shine)

You'll be amazed at what you'll find (What you'll find!)

As he started to drum again, I could feel reggie glancing at me, I quickly glanced back and I realized he looked happier, he looked back and looked to the crowd. I wondered what was going through his mind. We all ended with the chorus.

Rise up high,

till you reach the sky

Spread your wings,

it's time to fly

Let the wind take you where it may

Soar and climb,

in your own way! (Your own, way!)

That was the best ending we had had to a song in ages! I was probably being biased because we just performed it, but I loved every second of that performance. As we soaked in the applause, I could feel the rush of relief run through me, not just because we finished the song, but because Reggie was back to his normal self, or so I thought. It could have just been the transition of a ghost back to a human, but it felt like it was more than that. 


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