Main Story

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I daydreamed a L POV where he has a sister who always seemed to know how to care for him without losing her patience. I read Death Note fanfics every so often and haven't read one where L has an older sister, so I thought to write one myself. (If there is any, please give me the recc!) Her secret will be revealed later on but the tags spoil it let's be honest lmao

L is a quarter of four different races, so I ended up making the main language between the siblings, Russian. Due to her education with Wammy, on account of L, Yulia is fluent in Spanish, Italian, French, German, and Portuguese, mostly because she got the hang of latin based languages. She already knows Russian and English. Her birthday is on March 17th, 1977, making her a Pisces.

There is ableism during L's time in the original orphanage. There is vague language, but no harsh words are used. Adding on the child labor because Yulia is a little girl handling a whole kitchen without much pay.

I have not read the novels, so this is based on the manga/anime. I used parts of the manga to further L's time in the Kira case portion and left how L managed to trick Light as something left to the imagination. (I couldn't find out a decent way for L to trick him and didn't want this to fall flat lmao)

This....went far beyond what I thought to write. Lol I wanted to keep this under 10k and clearly this didn't happen.

Thank you all for reading!



The one consistent person in L Lawliet's life was his older sister, Yulia Lawliet. An attentive, patient girl. Always present, always nearby.

As the oldest, she remembered their birth parents, but chose what to disclose. Which wasn't much. Their biological mother abandoned them on the streets to keep her husband, their biological father, happy. The woman left them without caring for their well being.

Yulia found the orphanage after walking for a day. The ratty coat she wore barely kept them warm during those hours. Had she not worn stockings and new shoes, she would have lost her toes due to frostbite.

Upon entering the orphanage, the Lawliet siblings fought for what little the orphanage provided. Well, Yulia fought. Her bartering skills, taking extra chores, and caring for the youngest children made her valuable to the orphanage. The orphanage leader was named Yuri, a portly man who was well fed and smelled of alcohol. His wife, Ida, smelled of smoke and misery, but tolerated the two new bodies. Yulia was not temperamental and kept the other children in line. Making for an easier time for the adults who barely did work.

When he grew old enough to understand, L overheard adults speaking of Yulia's value . Yulia went far beyond her age to care for him while taking on chores. She never complained, she buckled down and went to work.

L wasn't cognizant enough to recognize all his sister did for him. He was an infant when they were dumped in the streets. He clung to her, almost ridiculous in how attached he was to her. She was all he had in the world. He couldn't let her leave his sight.

Although weak and feeble, his sister didn't abandon him. For this sibling loyalty, L wouldn't abandon her either.

While other children voiced wanting to know their parents, L wasn't interested to know anything about the people behind the Lawliet name. There was no need. Yearning for negligent parents was a waste of time.

Yulia revealed snippets whenever the topic of their parents popped up during conversation. She never sounded upset at their abandonment, disappointment was more so the gist of what L deciphered.

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