a.m.r. ☁︎ the cuddling method

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tw: sickness, fear of being sick, vomiting, crying, panic attack, fluff
an: buffering. . . 

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I hate this so much. Laying down my arms wrapped around my abdomen. Squeezing my eyes tightly shut a groan turned into a loud whine, the tears slowly welt up in my eyes. Being sick was one of the most awful things that could possibly happen. Okay that may be dramatic, but in all honesty. It sent me into a whirlpool of emotions. I felt like I was dying and spiraling - not the best combination. Being home alone only made it worse, but at least I was able to wail in my own misery. The cries ripped at my throat, horse and dry from hurling all day. My breath quickened as I felt the pressure rising in my chest. Groaning into the pillow underneath my head I threw the covers off of my body with a puff. Everything was hot and freezing at the same time. Pulling myself out of bed once again, I dragged my feet across the floor, the carpet plush beneath my feet. Wiping the tears off my face I fell to my knees again... wiping my mouth I sat back, my back harshly hitting the wall. Why? The only thought circling in my mind, well that and the need to be held like a small child with a simple stomach ache - though this felt like no other stomach ache. 

Pulling back the shower curtain, I ran the bath, plugging the drain as I adjusted the water temperature. Missing the familiar arms of my wife, I wanted to be wrapped in her warmth, not the scratchy sheets that got overly warm and sweaty, that lack her familiar scent. Once it rose to a decent height, I stripped off the clothes I was wearing dropping them aside and stepping in. I let my body sink into the water, biting my bottom lip as I held in the tears. The tiredness grew with the temperature of the water, slowly my eyes closed, the restlessness from the night before overtook me. Resting my head on the rim of the tub I fell asleep. I had been up since Allyson left at six this morning, it was nearing four - spending ten hours alone in pain was excruciating. 

ally's pov. 

Waking up this morning I quickly moved to turn off my alarm in hopes to not wake Y/n, turning around I was expecting to meet her sleeping peacefully. Much to my surprise she was already looking back at me. A small smile worked its way onto her lips which I quickly returned. Taking in the blissful morning I took the time to admired every part of her. Noticing her cheeks were a bit flushed, I noticed the lack of liveliness on her eyes that was normally there. "Good morning, baby." I whispered before bringing my lips to hers, getting a small peck in return as she closed her eyes again. "You feeling alright?" As much as she tried to hide the hesitation, I saw it in her eyes. Her brows furrowed for a second before she mustered up a smile and nodded. 

"Yeah, just sleepy." I could hear the roughness in her voice. Which led to a twenty minute conversation trying to convince Y/n to let me stay home incase she suddenly felt sick. Her response you may ask. I could suddenly feel sick at any point and time, you're not gonna take every single day off from work because I may get sick. Yeah, I didn't win that one. No response came to mind either. So reluctantly I went to work, doing my best to focus on everything expect her. Knowing that I should've stayed home. Initially I wasn't supposed to get off until late, but clearing my schedule I left the office at 3:30.

Making my way home I was glad I had decided on it, I had a gut feeling that I had left work too late. If I knew anything about her at all, I was more than sure she was at home in pain and begging not to be. In nearly twenty minutes I walked through the doors and quickly made my way inside. In an instant I dropped my bag and coat by the door, hearing her cries. Kicking off my heels I ran towards the stairs, skipping steps in hopes to reach her faster. Opening the bedroom I peered around seeing she had stripped from most of her sweatshirts, I found my side of the closet open. Looking towards the other side of the room, I could see the door had failed to completely close and the cries came clear as day from the bathroom. Stepping closer I knocked, hoping she wouldn't be startled. Pushing the door open enough to poke my head in she was curled up in the tub, the tears falling from her (e/c) eyes, that were squeezed tightly. It was evident to me what was going on. It was only a moment before I was sitting on the ground next to Y/n. "Honey? Can you hear me?" I waited for a response, getting none I carefully and gently pulled her closer into my arms. Feeling her entire body tense I softly whispered in her ear as she cried harder. "You're safe, you're with me. It's just you and me." As she looked in my eyes I could see the fear, I slowly cupped her cheek and nodded before as I slowly opened her hands and took them into my own, squeezing every three beats. "Can you do some cookie breaths for me?" As she was contemplating it she slowly nodded. Holding her hands in mine I watched as she closed and squeezed my hands, pulling them closer as she worked on focusing her breath. 

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