The Loved and Loathed Boyfriend

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It was still the thirteenth day of the first month of Winter. I had just finished my shift at the library. It was a particularly long shift that day, and as much as I loved the place, I needed my sleep.

As soon as I walked through the door of the hotel room, I collapsed onto the chair. Just when I was about to doze off, I heard the rattling of a key in the lock. Archie walked in abruptly. He let out a blunt "Hey" and hugged me like he usually did when he got home from work. I could tell he was exhausted. The consequences of getting a high salary were working for many hours and often being exhausted when finished with work.

I looked at Archie pitifully.

"Tough day at work?", I asked him.

"Yeah, just the usual", he answered wearily. As I looked at him, exhausted, I wondered if it was time for me to step up and help him.

"You know, I don't mind taking on more shifts at the library or even getting another job, to take some of the weight from your shoulders" I suggested.

"No, you're already working everyday shifts, don't worry about me, with some rest I'll be ok", he snapped. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight and off he went. I always felt that Archie was putting too much pressure on himself, almost like he was preparing himself and us for the worst....

I decided to wait for Beatriz to come home before I went to bed myself. I must have been waiting for hours because it was pitch dark when she walked into the room. Before she even stepped through the door, I could see the excitement in her face. I was confused as to how she could be smiling after spending her time studying about the government. I wasn't really into politics funny enough.

"I see someone has had a great day." I teased.

"I found out some really good news today!" she answered, while hanging her scarf up on in the wardrobe at the entrance

"Erm ok ....... Would you like to tell me?" I asked. At this stage I had given up all hope at trying to guess. She looked at me with a smile and her eyes lit up.

"Annie, I've finished studying at theAcademy!" she exclaimed.

"Wait, what? You dropped out of school?" I said, shocked.

"Nooo I've finished my course, I've got a job with the government!", she said, giggling.

I fell silent. This sentence was what I had been dreading hearing since Beatriz got into school. Archie and I often had secret conversations about the possibility of Beatriz getting into the government. About how someday, we would have to say goodbye...

I never thought it would actually happen though. I knew Beatriz was really clever but it was so hard to get into the government. I should have been happy for her but it was heartbreaking. Anyone who had ever gotten into the government had never come back to ground, they lived in the zeppelins. They were forbidden from visiting people on the ground, the government wanted their employees to have full commitment to their work.

I gulped.

"Em, so are you going to take the job or........", I knew this was a stupid question but it was worth a shot.

Beatriz gave me a stern look. "Did you really just ask me if I was going to take the job that I have been studying for for years? Annie, I have no choice but to take it , the wages that you and Archie are receiving are simply not enough to keep you going, and, in case you've forgotten, I get to send the wages home, so you can pay for essentials." she said.

I knew that this was her dream job and I couldn't possibly be shallow enough to not support her.

"I'm really happy for you, you deserve this job, when do you have to move?", I said.

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