~Chapter 4~ Trappers trap can trap the trapper (Hiccup)

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   The temperature dropped once again as we entered the frozen part of the archipelago.

"Keep your eyes open," I said to Jenny, looking down at the water for any signs of the trappers' ships.

"Hiccup," I turned my head to Jenny, following her gaze down to a small ship, floating out into the ocean.

It didn't take long for the crewmen to spot us, and when they did, they began to swing the net cannons toward us and our dragons, drawing ever closer. Eret loaded a cannon himself and took aim. He must have spotted Jenny and I riding the dragons, because I could see him narrowing his eyes in determination. The nets continued to fly through the air as Jenny and I easily outmaneuver them and dove toward the ship, landing on the deck with a clatter.

"And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed." Eret chuckled, a dark expression crossing his face. Jenny brandishes her sword from her waist in invitation, but my plan didn't involve weapons at all. I indicated for her to lower it, then held up my hands in surrender.

"Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up." Eret's crew exchange confused stares, as did Jenny. "That's one Night Fury, one Skrill, and..." I dismounted Toothless and tossed a net over Jenny, who glared at me in protest. "...two of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk. That oughta make the boss happy, right?"

Jenny grumbled in annoyance, just before I took her sword, and handed it to Eret. Before she could throttle me into the ocean, I escorted her past the men to the open live well, pushing her down the latter with light force..

"Excuse us."

"What are you doing?" she hissed angrily as I climbed down with her. Before I could answer her, Toothless attempted to follow us, but I held him back.

"Toothless, stay." I flipped the latch, lowering the grate as Eret watches, confounded. "The dragons don't really care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble." Just as I said this, Spark flickered his electricity in warning. Eret's men nervously direct their swords and spears toward Toothless, causing him to snarl. "Unless you do that. Wooden boat, big ocean. How's your swimming?"

"Not good..." someone answered. A burst of flame erupts from the live well, causing the crewmen to jump back as I thrust my Dragon Blade through the grate.

"Oops. Almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners!" I handed my sword up to one of the crew members, and Jenny shook her head again.

"I thought you had a plan?"

I retracted the blade and offered it up, before a crewman cautiously took it, looking it over. The pommel of the hilt is expelling green gas.

"Just what every dragon trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva. The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and..." A curious crewman clicks the lighter, igniting the gas. I ducked as the sudden explosion swept over the deck. "Oh, yeah, there you go!"

I could hear Toothless gurgling from above, and smiled. "Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragons can be trained, right, bud?"

"Give me that!" Eret suddenly said angrily to his men. "What game are you playing?"

"No game. We just want to meet Drago." Jenny groaned lightly beside me, realizing my plan.


"Because I'm going to change his mind about dragons." From above, the crew members laughed at me, causing Jenny to poke her head up.

"He can be really persuasive." she shrugged as she reached out and pet Spaek, thoughtfully. "Once you've earned his loyalty, there is nothing a dragon won't do for you."

Eret scoffed. "You won't be changing any minds around here." he said stubbornly.

"I can change yours." I offered. "Right here. Right now." I set Toothless' tail in the locked, splayed position as Eret sneered, suspicious. "May I?"

Suddenly, I felt myself being snatched into the air, Dragons blurring past. Below me the crewmen scrambled to the net cannons as a flurry of wings streak past, gashing holes in the sails and slicing through rigging. I struggled to get myself loose as Toothless shrieked and bounded up the mast, spotting me in the talons of a Monstrous Nightmare.

"Put me down! Snotlout!" I wiggled and moved around, with no avail. "What are you doing?"

Snotlout ignored me, looking back to see if Ruffnut witnessed the save. "See how well I protect and provide?"

"Snotlout!" Jenny groaned as soon as she saw who had snatched me up.

I moved my eyes to Ruffnut, who, as the nets from the trappers below came spiraling in her direction, spread her arms wide, allowing for a net to shoot her and her brother down. Finally prying myself loose, I flipped upside-down in Hookfang's talons and kicked off, pulling my wing-suit flaps. Eret took aim, but Jenny and Spark shoved him to the side, throwing off the shot. I glided unsteadily towards the ship and collided with its sail, before sliding down the canvas and dropping to the deck, and Toothless landed behind me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I shouted as Gobber and Grump set down on the deck, scattering Eret's crew.

"We're here to rescue you!" he announced proudly.

"We don't need to be rescued!" Jenny snapped back.

"Enough!" The bow dipped heavily as dad touched down on Skullcrusher, before dismounting, fuming.

Eret attempted to block dad, cocky and confident. "Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh? I am Eret, son of-"

Dad shoved his face aside, sending Eret slamming into Grump. Before he could react, Gobber clubbed Eret on the head, sending him collapsing to the deck. Grump then sat on him, smothering him into submission.

He wheezed. "Get... this... thing... off... me!"

Gobber turned to the other crewmen, with a smile. "Anyone else?" Eret's men eye the Vikings, armed and flanked by their dragons. They set down their swords. "That's what I figured."

"You. Saddle up. We're going home." I clenched my fists at my dad, feeling the anger well up inside me.


"Of all the irresponsible-"

"-I'm trying to protect our dragons and stop a war!" I shouted. "How is that irresponsible?"

"Because war is what he wants, son!"Dad sighed heavily, seeming to realize that he had to explain. "Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and that he alone could keep us safe, if we chose to bow down and follow him."

"Stupid." Tuff scoffed.

"Good one."

"Aye. We laughed, too... Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, 'Then see how well you do without me!' The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground." The horror of it all caused me to instinctively grab Jenny's hand, and she didn't protest. "I... was the only one to escape..." he turned to me, "Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with."

"Maybe." I pulled away from Jenny and stomped toward Toothless, determined. Eret watched intently.

"Hiccup..." Jenny muttered.

"I'm still going to try." I jumped onto Toothless and locked eyes with dad. "This is what I'm good at. And if I could change your mind... I can change his, too." Jenny sighed and mounted her dragon. I waited patiently for her, as I knew there would be no stopping her from coming.

Ryder stepped forward and took his sister's arm, stopping her from going any further. "Jenny, don't."

"I have to." and then together we shot into the air, leaving the rest of them in silence. 

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