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You know...there's a few things about me that the general doesn't know. Like, there were regulations to who could be in the war...And...I don't fit those. Some of the regulations were women, homosexuals, and tigers couldn't join the Weaponized Animal Regiment. While I'm not a woman or a tiger, I act like a little girl, feel sympathy for everyone including tigers, and have a boyfriend back home. If my general knew that, I probably wouldn't have been drafted into W.A.R. But I've been thinking, if my general found out today those things about me...would he send me home? Mouse and Sneaky say he treasures Fliqpy as an amazing soldier, so, would he kick me out and loose Fliqs in the war if he knew? Or would I be the acceptation? Mouse and Sneaky know because of a shower incident, but that story is for another time. Sneaky is a huge gossiper, but he hasn't told anyone. Does that mean he's afraid to see me go home? Mouse doesn't say anything either. Or...have they said something and the general never consulted me about it? Should I ask sneaky?
"You're thinking pretty hard on that subject, flips."
"Hi Fliqs..."
He sat next to me, "listen kid, don't get too caught up in that. If he finds out, so what? You'll go home?"
"But I'll miss sneaky and mouse Kaboom..." I whined.
He sighed and put an arm around me and pulled me to him, he's warm. "A wise man once told me to stop getting so caught up in other people. We all die, but we come back. it may be far from who you care about or it may be in their arms. Who's to know? If you leave, they may respawn in your town, or across the globe. But don't get so hung up on them. Even if you find yourselves far away, fate may bring you together. So to hell with a homophobic general. Who cares?"
I looked anywhere but at him...sneaky was right, he is a nice guy. And his words, I took them into consideration, he's smart.
"Thank you Fliqs..."
He smiled at me, "no problem kid..."

(Quick chapter. Why? Well, it's a journal. Journals have quick peices that the author puts, people with journals write whatever is going on in their life. This was something that happened while sitting with Fliqpy. So it was quick.)

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