4┃𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣

Depuis le début

"Come on!" Grace pulled onto Glenn's hand with her own free hand, bringing him to the open field part of the farm, "Okay, you know how to play baseball, right?" Grace spoke, positioning her bat. "Uhm— No— Not really.." He stammered, holding the bat absolutely terribly, Grace couldn't help but giggle at the sight of it,

"Well, you're gonna learn!" Grace grinned, extending her hand out as Glenn tossed her the ball, within seconds Grace had swung her bat and managed to get the ball across the field, Glenn, completely stunned, not being able to follow whatsoever.

"What are you waitin' for? Go get it!" Grace called out to Glenn, urging him to get the ball, as she watched him run after it, she couldn't be happier.

"You okay?" Grace asked, placing a cup of water down on the table, "Never been better..." Glenn spoke, taking a sip of the water as one hand was occupied as he held a bag of frozen peas to his eye, Grace didn't realize he was that bad at baseball, she thought he was just humble...

"Sorry for hitting you.." Grace weakly smiled, sitting across the table, "It's all good, don't worry." Glenn smiled weakly panicking at her, placing the cup down. "We'll work on it, okay?" Grace proposed,

"What do you mean?" Glenn titled his head. "We'll work on your baseball skills, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be a pro— probably not better than me though." Grace grinned mischievously. "Yeah, we'll see about-"

"Glenn! Randall got out, He's armed! Rick needs you!"

Andrea came bursting in, as well as everyone else on the farm, "What?" Grace stood up as she watched Glenn pull his gun out of his pocket and rush out the door, it was so quiet, it all happened so quickly.

"Maggie, what's going on?!" Grace trembled, running over to Maggie who stood behind Andrea. "It's okay, we're safe in here." Maggie wrapped her arms around Grace, holding her tight.


"GLENN!", Grace screamed, running into the man's arms as he walked through the door, "Easy, Grace, easy." The man whispered, caressing her head. "Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl spoke, walking ahead of Glenn with his crossbow in hand.

"No." Lori calmly replied, it'd been some time since the four men had set out to find Randall, who'd apparently escaped from his restraints, Grace worried, she didn't think Randall was a bad person, I mean, he didn't seem like one when Grace and carl spoke to him.

But there were other threats than Randall, and she was happy Glenn had come back in one piece, one living piece, that is. "But we heard a shot?" Daryl questioned, "Maybe they found Randall." Lori proposed the idea, "We found him."

"You guys found him?" Grace blurted out as she stood beside Glenn, turning to the two. "Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asked, "He's a walker." Daryl replied, Grace almost pitied him, he had a chance to escape and managed to die not from Rick, or Shane, or Glenn, or Daryl, but from a walker.

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel chimed in, "No, the weird thing is— He wasn't bit."

"His neck was broken." Daryl elaborated, "Maybe he fought back?" Patricia pondered. "The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other, and Shane ain't no tracker; So he didn't come up behind him. they were together." Grace didn't exactly get where Daryl was going with this, Shane was the one to kill Randall?

But it didn't add up. "Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane, and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori drew near, speaking calmly but directly with Daryl. "You got it," Daryl replied as he turned around, eyes aimed at the door. "Thank you." Lori grazed his arm, relief in her voice.

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