Bonus Chapter #1: Rosebush

Start from the beginning

Slightclaw sits a few tail-lengths away beside Raggedfoot, glancing down at his friend's scarred leg with a tinge of concern in his amber eyes.

"We have something to tell you two," Amberfur mews, leaning against her mate.

"What is it?" Rosebush mews, pricking an ear.

Slightclaw displays similar interest, glancing sidelong at Rosebush for a split second.

"We've decided that we're going to have kits, and when we do I'm going to stay in the nursery and help raise all the kits," Amberfur replies, smiling softly.

"That's great!" Rosebush purrs.

"I'm happy for you."

"Congratulations on your decision," Slightclaw mews, curling his tail neatly around his paws.

Rosebush finds her gaze lingering on the silver tabby and glances away; something about his perpetually collected demeanor makes her both curious and nervous at the same time.

"And, I now recall meaning to say this earlier, Rosebush, but your warrior name is rather lovely. It fits you." Slightclaw tilits his head.

Freezing in place, Rosebush nearly squeaks aloud after Amberfur gingerly nudges her with a hind paw.

"T-thank you," the black-and-ginger she-cat mews, folding her paws in front of her to hide them shaking.

"Of course," Slightclaw replies with a polite dip of his head.

"Well then, I think we'll leave you two alone," Amberfur mews mischievously, helping Raggedfoot to his paws.

Rosebush gives her friend a pleading look, but the golden tabby simply shoots back a smirk and a wink as her and Raggedfoot shuffle away.

Appearing to realize that Rosebush isn't going to prompt a conversation, Slightclaw moves a bit closer and glances down at her.

"So, how have things been going for you?"

"They've been- going good," Rosebush stammers, flustered.

"Is something the matter?" Slightclaw inquires with a sharp flick of his tail.

"Oh, not really...just a bit nervous..."

Feeling stupid for saying it out loud, Rosebush curls her ginger tail over her paws.

"There's no need to be nervous," the silver tabby reassures, unwinding his tail from around his flanks and resting it on the ground beside Rosebush.

Letting out an unanticipated hum of surprise, Rosebush smiles nervously up at Slightclaw.

The silver tabby pricks an ear at the sound of an audible gasp.

A blue-gray she-cat storms up to Slightclaw, fur bristling.

"I can't believe you," she hisses, striking the dirt with a paw.

"What is it, Rainsong?" the silver tabby replies, raising a brow.

Rosebush glances confusedly between Rainsong and Slightclaw, trying to figure out why they both dislike each other now.

"It's been, what, a quarter moon? And you're already mooning over she-cats?" the blue-gray she-cat hisses.

"After all the carrying on you did after I told you no?"

Slightclaw lets out a dry laugh.

"That's funny coming from you, but I suppose I'll explain myself."

"I am sitting here with a friend. That's all there is to it."

Rosebush perks up a little.

Rainsong stares blankly at the silver tabby for several moments, blue eyes narrowing, and whips around as her lip starts to tremble.

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