Chapter 31 : Sweet little lies

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(POV Melia)

I toss and turn trying to deal with the immense pain my body is in

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I toss and turn trying to deal with the immense pain my body is in....I thought I was getting better but everytime I see that look on Dan's face I just know that something is seriously wrong

We've been kept in the dark about this severe condition from the start...I can tell people are hiding things from us but I don't have the energy to say anything and the others seem the same way

Now and then I look over to check on the others and I see how sick they look

For hours I can hear the coughing and the gasping for breath....the screams of pain

Somehow I never felt alone though....I always felt someone beside me..watching over me

I dont made a sound...ive learned how to tolerate pain...or at least how to keep it to myself I used to do

I'm still shook after what happened with Ash....he had to be carried out of the room

I was the first one who had noticed him....the others were fighting their own battles

I was too weak to sit up but I forced myself to anyway, i could just tell something was wrong when he was lying like that...I could see that he wasn't breathing...I was so scared

I must have blacked out afterwards because the next thing I remember is waking up to a slight tap on my arm

When I opened my eyes I saw a guy I have never seen before but I was too weak to move away

' Issac I'm here to help" he says in a calming tone

I don't know why but i trusted him in that moment
His voice relaxed me

'Ok...this might hurt a little bit" he says showing me a needle

I dont even flinch when he sticks it in my arm and soon after I black out again

That happens for a while until I properly start to wake up....I think a few days have passed now ....I seem to forget things in waves and I don't remember the last few days

Gradually I start to gain my strength back and I wake up properly sitting myself up

'Your awake" jj says sounding somewhat cheerful which makes me wonder if I dreamed everything

'Did-" I start to say

' taken out of here a few days ago"

The realization kicks in again and I start to remember everything just like that

'Are you okay?" He asks me clearly not doing well himself

I manage to nod in response because I can't find the words to say anything else

'He was really looking after know" jj says turning to me

I look around confused and just stare at him

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