Gundam without a name VS Named Robot's Purpose + Dragon with Eyes of Blue

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Yzel POV
I had fallen asleep quite early as I would hurt the 'Mobile Suit' or 'Gundam' He had oh so affectionately called it

Truly I had been so... disturbed of his world... Worlds? Can it be called worlds?

Mobile suit wars... Planetary Wars... Magic and Multi planetarial divisions... Genocides as JOKES.

Truly now everything about Yukan and the God Emperor had been oh so kind fully explained, Truthfully when he said he was the kindest human (While conjuring up plans to take over the world in the most unholies of ways) I thought it was a joke even laughing for a good minute

But then... The Space marines... The Legioas Chapters... Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch.... The God Emperor of Humanity himself...

The 'Grimdark' world... rather worlds. Burned day and night.

Stars would die and be reborn. Whole races be snuffed out of existance and the other races would be resuming their daily activities as if nothing happened


That world seemed acceptable (Even if it was on the edge of unliveable and straight up hostile to everything that lived or even died...)

But then... The Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters... I just...


Accept it.

Before when I was the Emperor of Humanity, I've used a Warrior Deck which included the races of all.

Dragons were the most powerful of spirits and when 1 is sent to the grave or Banished it was a massive loss meant for the User to rethink their resources

That was until I met Yukan.

Who used Dragons like they were spirits and goblins

Truly. He is the most deranged human I know... But truly? He was kind. Very kind.

If another human was chosen... I doubt my world would have a day to wake up to...

Death stars... And the Tyranids...


Truly humans in other worlds scare me. And to know Yukan was the kindest? It makes my blood go cold...

The day had started as Yukan was challenged by Dorothy.

... Poor her ...

Bless her innocent like soul for she was another one who saved me in my darkest moments in my past life.

And... Yukan was about to commit a 'Hashmal'. I don't know what it meant... But I am scared for everyone's safety.

"Tokua Tyrano!
Tokua Mammoth!
Tokua Triceratops!
Tokua Tiger!
Tokua Eagle!

Together we form Tokua Mega Rex!"

All 5 of the Robust and blocky mechanical robots then turned into a sleeker 20 meter tall titan which was the biggest of all Tokuas that ever was...

All 5 of the Robust and blocky mechanical robots then turned into a sleeker 20 meter tall titan which was the biggest of all Tokuas that ever was

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