Twin Demonic Dragons and Mektural Emperors

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Yukan POV
The scene was set. I got some good clothes and I pulled up towards the stage and Alliya was holding a duel disk with a floral pattern

"Ah. I guess you have more of a back bone than I originally thought. Good for you Alliya. You have more of that than Alicia I'll tell you that much."

I say as I walk up to them my duel disk activating, I made it from Tzeentch's magic and I made sure to make it cool. Wanted to make Supreme King Jaden's duel disk But I didn't have time

"So how will this go? Gale or Standing? Cause either way I don't care

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"So how will this go? Gale or Standing? Cause either way I don't care."

She flinched before she replied

"...Gale... Where's your mount?"

"Right here."

I snapped my fingers and Slaanesh's magic circle appeared and out came the Duel Runner

"...Fine... I'll ride upon this Spirit horse."

"Don't care. Didnt ask. L + Ratio."

We both placed our cards in the deck holder as I put my ass on the Wheel of Fortune. The giddy giddy feeling has returned

"Riding Duel..."

"Gale Duel...?"




The horse... thing. Was fast. It was like a Pegasus but had a horn too. And it was fast able to keep up with the wheel of fortune

"Go ahead then Elf! Take the first turn!"

She glared at me before she drew her cards

3rd Person POV
Friday 11 3989 of Gaia was supoose to be a normal day without anything too major happening.

That was when suddenly a Gale Duel between the next Queen of Helios Elves had challenged the mentally ill Ryoal Fourth son of Humanity.

The duel was set and everybody was too ashamed as the Fourth son was about to be beaten relentlessly by the Princess of Helios.

YzelYukkime-4000 LP
AlliyaMaywood-4000 LP

The duel started with Alliya going first, She looked at her cards in hand before playing defensively

"I summon Ally Familiar in Defence!"

Ally Familiar (2☆)

"I end my turn."

"Haaa?! Oh I'm going to enjoy ripping that little kretin into pieces!"

The voice sounded unhinged as the young prince declared his intent, With the magically summoned monster flinching abit when he said that.

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