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I finished the exam and was about to leave when.

Yeon: areum I'm really sorry.

Areum: I didn't ask.

Yeon: I'm sorry I will do anything to earn your forgiveness.

Areum: then die.

Yeon: then you will lose a perfect sister-in-law.

Areum: I don't mind.

She was following saying sorry for thousand then I saw him?? I was about to walk in a different direction when.

Jungkook: areum.

Yeon: I'm leaving.

Areum: i-i

Jungkook: get in.

Areum: I will go by bus.
I was talking all looking down

Jungkook: pls
I can understand what she is feeling now.

Jungkook: areum let's forget about that ok? Let's act all normal.
I said holding her hands but she surprised me by jerking my hands away.

Areum: forget?
She chuckled

Areum: I could never.
She said looking directly to my eyes

Jungkook: I know you feel guilty just forget about it.

Areum: I don't.

Jungkook: huh?

Areum: I don't feel guilty. Why should I feel ? why should I feel guilty Jungkook? It should be you. You should feel guilty that you ignored me.

Jungkook: i-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just that jen came back after 3 years so i-

Areum: so you forgot your girlfriend who you been with for 10 months?

Jungkook: I'm sorry.

Areum: you should do you know how much I felt sad hurt when I saw how you talk to her so nicely and even call her jen? Do you know how much I felt hurt when I saw you guys so close?

Jungkook: areum listen don't cry i-

Areum: listen to me first. Do you know you where the first one to scold me. Oppa never done that appa too but you why why you raised your voice against me. That too for a stupid reason.

Jungkook: I just was so worried I couldn't see you.

Areum: ok th-en it's ok but yo-u were co-ntinuously scolding me until she stopped you. do you know Jungkook ho-w much how much I hated -it? do you know something I never felt so horrible than when you said she could choose your suit. Is it cause I'm colourblind?

Jungkook: don't misunderstood I never thought any low of you.

Areum: then where I'm a lacking. I'm a not good like her?

Jungkook: you are excellent in everything.

Areum: then why you didn't

Jungkook: areum let me tell you don't overthink it is not cause of any-

Areum: it is. Then tell why you didn't?
I could only look at her teary eyes and don't know what to say why I didn't. I saw her run to the bus and got in and I just couldn't face her.i went to my car and thought.

Jungkook: why I didn't KISS HER BACK. Yah I didn't

???: kook?

Jungkook: jen?

Jennie: are you ok?

Jungkook: I'm not. Jen I don't know what to do. I- I don't want to lose her no matter what. Also I realised that actually why we should be involved physically too. And i-

Jennie: you love her?
I stayed silent.

Jungkook: can you fix the mess?

Jennie: I will what I created.

Jungkook: hmm.

Jennie: I can understand kook

-----at areum's apartment---

I was crying thinking about wht has happened suddenly I heard bell ringing sound and I thought it maybe the food that I ordered. I didn't opened the door completely cause I don't want that person to see my puffy eyes. I just opened some and just put my hands out
Before I could complete my words the other person opened the door completely.

Areum: jennie?

Jen: yah its me.

Areum: I don't want to talk please.

Jen: areum listen.

Areum: go out please.

Jen: you drink some water and let's talk after some time.
I don't want to be rude to her the moment she enter so I asked her to give me some space and we both gone to watch some Netflix

Jen: you love him don't you?
I was taken back by her question.

Areum: i-

Jen: you tell the truth.

Areum: I don't know.

Jen: why lying though.

Areum: yah I do so what?

Jen: I'm sorry that day I do acted Rude to you it was cause hard for me to accept my best friend have a girlfriend and moreover he didn't even told me about it.

Areum: does he share everything with you?

Jen: ofcourse

Areum: you guys are so close.
I said looking at her and she smiled sweetly at me. I guess she is not that bad but.

Jen: I can understand your insecurity but the thing is that he will share with you too after some days.

Areum: you guys known for?

Jen: we known eachother since were in little as everyone in our class know he doesn't have mother and I can understand his pain as I also don't have.

Areum: I'm sorry.

Jen: im used to it.also don't worry I'm never going to steal your boyfriend as I already have one.

Areum: you have?

Jen: yes his name is kai and he is super handsome.
I smiled at her cuteness.

Areum: so ?

Jen: so we are friends?

Areum: yup we are
I smiled at her but my smile disappeared thinking about that then she took my hand.

Jen: he may have his own reasons for that.
I looked at her in surprise she knows?

Jen: yah he was blaming himself for that and I heard it.

Areum: I know.

Jen: give him sometime.

Areum: I will.

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