One more question....

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They walked along the sand, hand in hand.  Jamie at the edge of the surf, the hem of her dress getting wet but she couldn't have cared less.  Tom had rolled up the legs of his trousers and he walked just behind her, as she trailed her hand in his.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she murmured, looking at the final rays of the sun as it set behind a couple of small peaks further up the headland.  The Caribbean Sea was barely tidal so the beach was pretty much undisturbed white sand that now glowed a glorious pink in the failing light.

"Yes, you are." The husky voice behind her cracked slightly and although she might have been tempted to tease him for his cheesiness, she didn't. There had been a time she never thought she would hear anything from him ever again, cheesy or otherwise.

Turning round, she just smiled from under her lashes and blushed slightly. "You're too kind, maybe a tad biased, but too kind." she said softly.

"I can never be too kind to you Jamie" he looked at her, his eyes dark and filled with swirling emotions. "I have so much to make up for, this is only the start Little One."  He pulled her to a standstill and wrapped his arms around her. 

He felt warm and reassuring against her, his heartbeat a regular and comforting rhythm in her ear. He smelt of aftershave and love. So much love it almost spilled out and down his cheeks as he felt her small hands snake their way round his waist.

"I love it when you call me that," she said, nestled in his arms as a warm blanket of darkness fell over them. "I feel so... safe... so... loved." she sighed contentedly and he kissed the top of her head.

"Good, because that is my life's work - to love you and protect you." there was silence for a moment then he turned her to face him. "Jamie, there's something I need to ask you and I want you to think before you answer.  Please?  It's important."

Jamie suddenly felt the weight of expectation fall on her.  What - what was happening? Her mind screamed at her.

"Jamie, my darling girl, would you.. be ok to go back to the house? I'm getting eaten alive by mosquitoes love. " he grinned and she punched him in the chest with a huff of laughter.  

They both knew what the situation had looked like and she almost cried.  Not with disappointment, oh no.  With the knowledge that he had been happy to wind her up to that point.  Let her think he might have taken the conversation in a whole different direction.

"I thought you'd never ask!" she said seductively, her eyes twinkling. Two could play at that game.

"Oh Jamie, I love you darling!" he laughed as they walked quickly back the way they'd come.

A few minutes later, they approached the villa and the lights were out apart from a few lanterns on the veranda.  Tom and Jamie exchanged looks and sniggered quietly.  

"Looks like we better make ourselves scarce eh?  I for one DO NOT want to be within earshot any time soon!"  Tom put his arm around her shoulder and they walked on towards their smaller villa further up the beach.  As they passed, they noticed a bottle of champagne and two glasses sitting on the wooden steps to the beach.  A white orchid lay next to them.  Tom smiled, Luke and Mandy had obviously left the little gift for them.

Breaking away from Jamie, he scooped up the bottle and glasses and re-joined her. She slipped her arm around his waist and they walked away.  What neither of them noticed was standing in the darkened villa, two figures were watching, their arms around each other.

"Do you think he asked?" Mandy whispered as she watched them walk.

"Nah, they're too calm.  Knowing him, he'll be waiting for the perfect moment." Luke kissed his new wife, "But he'll have to go far to beat ours love."  he smiled and laughed slightly.

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