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Another night, another generic ghost in the thermos. Shutting the lid, Danny Phantom wipes the ectoplasmic sweat from his brow. "That one was faster than normal." He presses a finger to his Fenton phone. "That should be the last one for the day. See you tomorrow guys." After reviving a "Goodnight." from the both of them, Danny flies over the buildings back to his house. 'Hopefully I can get some study in before I sleep. I still need to finish that book report.'

His ghost tail trailing behind him, Danny reaches his top flying speed in order to get home, but stops in his tracks when his ghost sense goes off. "Great, just perfect." Dropping down into an alley, Danny's fists glow with spectral energy, ready to fire off a beam at a moment's notice. "Hello Halfa." Danny fires a ghost beam that hits a trash can just behind where the now intangible Walker is standing. "Stand down kid. I'm not here to break any rules. Just to enforce one."
Danny gets into a fighting stance. "Bring it on, you pale ass warden."
Walker sighs and slouches. "As much as it pains me to say this, the rules are apparently working in your favor today. But this isn't the place for that. Meet me in the ghost zone by that portal if yours. I'll explain more there. It's about Pariah Dark." And with that, Walker evaporates, seemingly disappearing.

On the way to school the next day, Danny explains last night's chat with Walker. "-and then he just vanished into thin air."
Sam responds appropriately. "It's a trap. 100% a trap. He's a cop, this is a sting. Don't even humor him."
Tucker nods, typing something into his PDA. "I agree with Sam on this one. He'll just lock you up again."
Danny looks down at his hand, making it invisible. "I don't know. He mentioned that ghost king I fought. Sting or not, ghosts don't really joke about him. I at least have to check it out." His hand returns to normal. "And besides, I'll be human the whole time, he won't even be able to touch me. It'll be perfectly safe. I just need a favor. Can one of you tell Jazz about this during one of your free periods? Ours don't match up and I want to talk to Walker as soon as possible."

In the lab, Jazz walks in to see Danny waiting in the Specter Speeder. "So you're actually going to go talk to a ghost cop huh?"
Danny gives her a determined look. "Yep."
Jazz matches the look before walking back up the stairs. "If mom and dad ask, a ghost took it." Danny smiles as he powers up the speeder.

Immediately after entering the ghost zone, Danny sees Walker, standing there, menacingly! "Alright, I'm here. Now what do you want, Walker?"
Walker scowls before taking off his hat and putting it to his chest, bowing on one knee. "You, Mr. Phantom, are the new king of the ghost zone."

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