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14 days have never felt so long. I can barley keep myself from using this book as a pillow and falling asleep right here in the common room.

I have always been behind on my school work at Hogwarts. Going to muggle school for most of my life before coming here for fourth year really put me at a disadvantage. I did my best to catch up last year and I thought I was fully prepared for this year but these first two weeks of school have been the hardest couple weeks of my life.

I am falling behind in almost all my classes, that is with the exception of Divinations and History of Magic. This years work feels like a big step up from last years. It may be because of Umbridge and her painfully boring theoretical approach to learning, the looming stress of having to do O.W.Ls or it may just be because I got dumb over the summer. Either way it's not good. I mean I just spent my whole weekend studying.

And, the cherry on top of the cake: I am ninety percent sure Snape hates me. And not in the normal way he hates everyone, I would say he hates me just as much or even more than he hates Potter and my sister. If thats even possible.

He has handed back every single one of the three essays we have written this year with a big fat red 0 written on the front. He doesn't hold back with the snarky comments either. I think the only reason he hates me so much is because: 1) I am a Granger and 2) In our class of Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuffs I am the perfect person to take his bad mood out on when theres no Gryffindors to use as punching bags.

"I wish Snape would take the broom out of his ass Bella" I say to the small black cat sitting beside me on the couch. Bella only stares back at me with her icy blue eyes, but i'm sure she would have responded if she could speak. Bella has been me emotional support animal ever since I came to Hogwarts, I got her for my 16th birthday and have been forever grateful for Hogwarts' weird animal rules.

I frown at the grandfather clock in the corner of the Ravenclaw common room. It's one in the morning and I'm not surprised it had gotten so late. Luna and Cho left a few hours ago to hang out with everyone. Since then I have written half of yet another Potions essay and read four incredibly boring chapters of "Dark Arts Defence: Basics for Beginners".

I don't think I have it in me to finish the Astronomy work I am currently doing, it's not due till Wednesday anyway, so I put my quill down and try to find my will to live.

I wander back into my dorm, dropping my notes on my bed and picking up the romance novel I am in the middle of before finding a spot back out in the common room. I light the fire infront of me snuggle into Bella.

Romance novels are easily the one thing I miss the most from the muggle world. I have to buy a few months worth during the holidays just to last me the school term.

Considering how late it is, it makes sense that not a single person walks through the common room. I bask in the silence and calmness of the room. Listening to the crackling fire and low purr coming from Bella.

I finish the last few chapters of my novel with a long awaited sense of contentment. I scan the room as I place the book down next to me, it is almost two in the morning and Luna and Cho still haven't come back.

They would have told me if they weren't coming back tonight, thats just the way it works.

Staying awake till they get back to make sure they are okay is also just the way it works.

Looking around the room I search for something to do to pass the time. That's when I remember there is another part to this common room, so I leave my spot on the couch and wander over to the small turret like corner of the room only to notice the piano infront of a large blue stained glass window. I remember the few songs I had learnt in the muggle world, I spent countless hours with mean old piano teachers during my childhood. I sit down at the white, grand piano and run my fingers over the keys. Trying to remember a song. The first song that comes to mind is Erik Satie's Gymnopédie No. 1.

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