✨Chapter Two-Setting Up✨

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Your POV:

I woke up and looked out the car window, we still weren't there. Damn, how far is this place.

"Mom, how far is this place?" I asked hoping for a nice reply.

"Oh, well, we just got out of Canada, and we are five-seven hours away so..." She trailed off and continued to concentrate on driving.

THIS PLACE WASN'T IN CANADA!? Damn, I guess I can't see any more of my friends...-Girl, what friends- oh, right, I don't have any friends.

I sigh and look at my window, and begin to count the cars that I see for an hour and a half. Around 5000 cars have passed us in that time. I look behind to my sister, who was playing her iPad. I pull out my phone, and realized I was still listening to music. I opened up Cookie Run:Kingdom and played for a couple of minutes. I decide to play a different game and song. I put on, Them Changes by Thundercat, and open up Roblox because why not. I join Doors and go on a solo run. At door 13, Rush appears and I quickly hide in a closet. I soon get to door door 35, and eyes start appearing.

Soon, one of my fav songs, The Bidding by Tally Hall, starts to play and I get to the Seek chase, I run and make it out. I sigh in relief.

Soon I get to door 45 and Ambush appears. But, Im a natural, so I survive. And then door 50... I've never beaten it before, but hopefully, I will this time. I look around for books.

I soon find all the books, the code was 390677,(I can't remember how many numbers are in a code sorry, not) I quickly run to the padlock and enter the code, Figure starts to run towards me but I get out quickly. I sigh a sigh of relief again. A small smile spreads on my face but I quickly wipe it off. At door 80, eyes appear again. At door 86, its the next Seek chase.

I beat it again, because Im just that good. I soon reach door 100. I take in this moment, this great moment of luck, finally, door 100.

I open it and start, (Ive never gotten to floor 100 so just pretend that you beat it okay?)

I soon beat it and let out a small cheer, causing my mom to look at me, but then back at the rode.  I decide to join Tower of Hell, and play for thirty minutes or so.

I looked at the GPS, which I forgot we had, and saw that we only had 4 hours left. It started to get dark. I looked outside my window and saw that we were no longer in a city but a woodland part.

I started to get super bored, so I grabbed my small reading light, the book I was reading, and read for the rest of the time.

Two hours later we arrive at a gas station, my mom gets out and puts some gas in. I get out, and tell her I am going to go get a snack, she nods her head and continues.

I walk into the shop, grab a Mr,Goodman chocolate bar, or a few, maybe like fifth teen, but who's counting? Not me. I go and pay, only $10.00 bucks, thats a great deal.

I walk back to the car and get in. I open one of the bars and began to eat it. Delicious! I give one to Charlie, and a little bit to my mom, who was oddly being a lot nicer.

One hour later, and my sister, Charlie, is fast asleep. You could here her snoring. I was still reading.

"What book are you reading?" Asked my mom, trying to make small talk.

"Little Women, why?" I look at her. She glances at me but looks back at the rode.

"Is it good?"


"Hmmm, maybe I should read it when you are finished?" I think for a moment.

"Okay, but only when Im done." I say and close my book, put it back in my bag, and look at my mom. I lean against the window. "Why do we have to move, can't you and dad sort this out like you always do?"

"I don't love him, he can't satisfy my needs, unlike Derick, but I guess Im leaving him behind too.." She has a sad look on her face at the mention of this 'DeRiCk' guy.

"But dad loves you so much! Don't you love him too?" I ask, hoping she says yes, and we can go back and sort things out.

"No. I never loved him. If Im telling the truth, I only used him for his money, he is very rich! I get to have half of it!" A wide smile forms on her face, but I have a look of disgust on my face.

I soon fall asleep.

-One hour later-

I wake up to the car stopping. I look out and see a house. I unbuckle my seat belt, and sling my backpack across my shoulder, open the door and get out.

I open my sisters door and wake her up. I go to the of the car and grab some of the suitcases. Mom opens the door to the house and we go in. I set everything down, run upstairs, looking for a room. The room I chose had a big window seat that had a view over the forest near here. I go downstairs and grab all my things.

I start to unpack the stuff in my new room. After I finished, I closed the curtains, got changed, and reopened the curtains so I could sit on the window seat, which actually, was a bed, kinda. Since I didn't have a bed, I fell asleep on the window seat.

New Kid in Town! ✨Kyle x Fem!Reader✨(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now