~Chapter 4~

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~~*~CHAPTER 4~~*~~

I swing the sparkly pink backpack (I know I was only seven, but what was I thinking??) over my shoulder and make my way deeper into the forest.

My head begins to throb, and I press two fingers into my temple. Hopefully not a migraine. The throbbing turns to agonizing pain, and I realize this is no ordinary headache. I've heard of things like this happening before, but only to skilled witches and wizards.

I drop my backpack and clutch my head with both my hands, willing the pain to stop. My eyes squeeze closed as it feels as if my skull breaks off into my hands. Light bursts behind my closed eyes and a vision forms.

I see myself in the vision, mixing herbs. I think I am creating a potion. Maybe a healing remedy? I recognize a few herbs that vision-me places into the mixing pot.

There are specific pots witches must use to mix spells, or the spell could go horribly wrong. I heard a story of a young witch, who was trying to make a love potion for her crush, but she didn't use an iron pot, and the spell backfired and made her crush absolutely hate her.

In this vision, however, I saw myself using a steel pot, which I didn't have, and she (wait, I mean, me? Oh well, you get the point) was mixing lavender, oregano, thyme, and the dew off a yellow lily flower. The concoction started to steam, green billows of smoke rising from the mixture. Vision-me leans over the steam, taking a deep breath, and--

The vision ended. I slowly unclench my hands from my head, expecting huge shards of my skull fall into my hands, but I was surprised to realize that I was still in one piece.

I lean against a mossy tree, taking deep breaths and thinking about my vision. It was sent to me for a reason. I probably need to do that spell, but how, when I don't have any of the ingredients? I don't pack spell ingredients with me when I move from place to place.

That's when it hit me: Faye always loved to come in the forest and practice her spells. I went with her a couple times, so I could probably find the place again.

Eager to find out what my vision was telling me, I quickly grab my backpack and run in the direction of Faye's spell spot.

In only a few minutes, I come across a small cleared area in the forest. I see the small chest that Faye keeps her herbs and remedies in, and I go to open it. The chest swings open easily, and I gaze at all the different stacks, bundles, powders, leaves, and petals. I reach for some lavender, careful to only take a few sprigs, so Faye won't notice. After more searching, I come across the thyme and oregano. All I need now is the steel pot, and the dew from a yellow lily flower. I search in the hollow bases of various trees, knowing that Faylinn must keep a mixing pot here somewhere, but so far I have no luck. Right when I am ready to give up, and try to steal one from the Academy, my hand slams against the hard surface of steel. I wrap my fingers around the pot and pull it out of its crevice.

I give a silent thanks to Faye for keeping a steel pot with her spell supplies and go off to find the dew of a yellow lily flower. Why did my vision have to be so damn specific? Why couldn't it have been any type of dew, or just water?!

In what seems like years of searching, I come across a yellow lily flower. And, since luck seems to be on my side today, the inside of the flower is filled with dew.

I place all the herbs in the pot and carefully pour the dew in. I mash all the ingredients together with my hands and gasp in awe when green steam starts billowing out, just like in my vision. A few stray questions barge into my mind: What's going to happen when I lean into the steam? I never saw what happened in my vision, what if it kills me? It's impossible for it to turn me into some sort of animal, right?

I'm frozen with fear after I think of all the terrible possibilities that could occur since I didn't see the ending of my vision. The steam is starting to thin, and stop, when I realize I have no choice. I thrust my head into the remainder of the steam and I take a deep breath.

I feel the sensation of fallingthrough the ground, into a black abyss.


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