Chapter 1

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Mil smiled as she felt the unique vibrations of her crush's text messages. She wrapped her lean arms around her pillow and read the message:"do you you want to go out with me?".
Mil's long black hair fluffed in surprise as she sat up on her bed, hitting her head on the top bunk. "Ow ow ow ow ow OW!", she hissed under her breath rubbing her head. She re-read the text, why would anyone want to go out with her? Of all people in the school, he asked HER out. She decided not to wait and immediately texted him back: "Sure, wanna go to the movies tomorrow after school?". She dozed off waiting for the response, not knowing what was really going to happen.
{Next Day}
Mil yawned as she stretched throwing her blankets off, today would be the first day she and her crush where actually going out! Mil ran, today was free dress day so she put on a black ruffled skirt, white button up collar shirt with a small female tie. Adding the black jacket and brushing her hair she looked in the mirror. She straightened the short tie and fixed the collar making it fit her frame perfectly. Snapping on her small silver necklace, she looked in the mirror and smiled. Her unique turquoise eyes had brightened with the black outfit and her hair fell perfectly into place. She might have been a little pale from so much computer time, but no one but her friends knew she was really a gamer. Straightening the outfit once more, she grabbed her small bag and half ran, half jumped down the stairs of her porch with excitement. Skidding to a stop in her plaid flats and started walking to her bus stop trying not to show how nervous she was and kept walking.

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