sexologist vs. sexaholic.

Start from the beginning

I could feel her stare like she was burning a hole in my face.

"Tell me about your sexual history," I told her, opening up a line of conversation that she would not have opened. I could bet that she would just sit there silently.

"Like what? How many bodies I have?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, "You can start with that if you'd like."

"I think like twenty-four."

"You think like twenty-four?"

She shrugged, "Yeah, I stopped counting after twenty, there's no point in counting anymore."

"How old are you?"


"Would you say you're hypersexual?"

"I don't think so. I just really like to fuck and I'm good at it."

I was reading her heavily while she spoke, and it was all lining up perfectly. She was in her early twenties, thinking sex was only the physical, discarding her partners and reducing them down to not even numbers anymore.

I'd seen plenty of women like her, and I wasn't a judge of how people used their bodies for pleasure.

"I'm gonna ask you to be very open with me here. There's confidentiality between us now so I won't tell anyone any of your business."

"I can be open with you. You can ask me any question you want."

Young women like her were always the flirty type. They always felt they needed to prove something because the world was notorious for dismissing them due to their age. By human design, she overcompensated.

"Do you enjoy coitus with men or women? Or is there no preference for you?"



She gave me a blank stare.


"Imagine there being so many names for dicks going in some pussy."

"Your language is very crass."

"I like to be real."

"Answer the question please."

"I have sex with women, but that never stops men from wanting to get bent over too."

My eyes widened in surprise before I recovered, clearing my throat. She smirked and sat up some, her legs still spread wide, moving them slowly from side to side.

"Scientifically, people like you have more sex than the average person."

"People like me?"

"Young, attractive people like yourself."

"Oh you think I'm attractive?"

"I think you know you're attractive and you use it to your advantage. Women generally flock to you, and obviously men as well. You think you're 'so good at it' because women don't usually tell you no."

"My reviews have always been good."

She felt like a college frat boy to me. Statistically, nine out of ten women have lied about an orgasm once. I refused to believe that she had run into that tenth woman each time. Not with the numbers she was giving me.

"Women lie plenty."

"You tryna tell me I don't put it down?"

"I'm not trying to tell you anything. Could you agree with me that sex can be a very intense experience between two loving people?"

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