chapter 14

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I want towards the bathroom Christopher help me he turned on the shower water for me and I took a shower he helped me out of the shower and dry me off with a towel and put a new hospital gown on me I laid back down in the bed so they brought my br...

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I want towards the bathroom Christopher help me he turned on the shower water for me and I took a shower he helped me out of the shower and dry me off with a towel and put a new hospital gown on me I laid back down in the bed so they brought my breakfast I ate Bacon's eggs and grits and sausage and throw me some orange juice they brought the baby to the room and I picked her up out of her bed and fed her and changed her pamper and put her back to sleep the doctor will be in shortly I said okay the doctor came in and said me and the baby can go home tomorrow if everything looks all right thank you Doctor you welcome I am so happy that I'm taking you home tomorrow Ashanti I know you are honey Christopher said to me get you some sleep I got her okay Christopher got the baby and fed her and change the pamper again and put her to sleep the nurse came and got her took her away I woke up where's the baby I asked the nurse came and got her oh okay you just get you some sleep I will honey and I cannot wait to take out daughter home tomorrow me either he said to me the next morning I woke up I went towards the bathroom and turned on the shower water I brush my teeth and fix my hair and start to get dressed did brought me my discharge papers and told me to follow it with the doctor in 6 weeks and take her to her 2 weeks check up I said I will the nurse brought the wheelchair in and it wear those out to the car and I got outside it was on our way home why she made it to the house Christopher help me out with the baby I went inside the house and sat on the couch my mom and dad came inside a baby and my sister too she's beautiful thank you after everyone left he said do you want to go upstairs and get in the bed yeah and bring her too so he brought her in our room and put the best in that next to the bed I fell asleep but I heard her cry and I woke up I breastfed her and put her back to sleep I got her Chris said okay I heard Christopher getting her when I once I woke up he changed her and put her back to sleep we both fell asleep but we both were taking turns all night with her

I want towards the bathroom Christopher help me he turned on the shower water for me and I took a shower he helped me out of the shower and dry me off with a towel and put a new hospital gown on me I laid back down in the bed so they brought my br...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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