chapter 8

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I I finished getting dressed for our engagement party don't you look nice thank you honey I went downstairs and we got into the car and headed over to my mother's house for the gas and party all my family friends showed up the wedding date is goin...

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I I finished getting dressed for our engagement party don't you look nice thank you honey I went downstairs and we got into the car and headed over to my mother's house for the gas and party all my family friends showed up the wedding date is going to be June 18th I'm going to help you plan your wedding honey okay do I need a wedding planner yes I'm going to call her up tomorrow all right we ate and we drink everything was going smoothly until I felt dizzy what's wrong I don't know I said to my mom are you pregnant I don't know mother but I'm going to get a pregnancy test you just stay here go upstairs I ran upstairs to her bathroom she came back I took the pregnancy test I came back downstairs to wait a while my mom went upstairs and got the test for me it was positive I'm pregnant you pregnant yes congratulations honey but it have a baby and get married yes I know everybody was glad for us we got ready to leave and got it to the car now you will have to move in with me I know that I said to help me going to start packing up and moving and moving you to my house our house tomorrow all right I went into the house I went upstairs took a shower I could not believe I'm pregnant how that happened when we was at the cabin oh yeah you didn't well condom I'm sorry it's all right I can't believe I'm going to be a mom and went upstairs took a shot and went to bed tomorrow is moving day and I cannot wait to move in with my fiance it was 8:30 in the morning I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower water I stepped inside and let the water run over my body after I finish taking a shower I dried I would have towel and started to get dressed you ready to move and yes once we move I got to go to the doctor to find out how many months I am I know I'm one month but I got to find out when the babies do we going to do all that sweetheart they start packing up but I think it's in the moving truck it moves I moved into my fiance's new house I put the things away but he did not let me do anything can't we screen the house up we got into the car and went to the doctor how can I help you yes I took her home pregnancy test and it was positive okay coming to the bank I went towards the back and I took blood from my arm yes you are pregnant your baby going to do July 19th okay I told her congratulations to your scripture for your prenata vitamins to see you back in a week I got ready to leave the doctor's office me and Christopher he dropped me off at my mom's house and they called at the wedding planner she asked me what I was going to get married at at my house and I wanted purple and white okay we can manage that what about the cake I wanted white with diamonds around it okay that's good you going to get married here at your house also yes I am all right we will get the things straight enough for you Christopher walked inside my mother's house and tell him you got everything straightened out yes we going to have the weather here and the reception here at my mom at our house okay I will get right on it what about the China the dishes I want it white all right what about you sir whatever she wants all right I will let you know how much things are going to cost all right I'll see you later mom thanks for you welcome honey I got into the car and went home I cannot wait to pick out my wedding dress I know you can't sweetheart he said to me I went to the kitchen fries some chicken and pork chop and mashed potatoes and gravy I sat down I started to eat I went upstairs and took a shower and went to bed
The next morning I got up I went to the bathroom and took a shower and brush my teeth and fix my hair and makeup I went downstairs to fix some bacon eggs and grits for me and Christopher he came downstairs I ate his breakfast but she got to do today honey he asked me I got to go get my wedding dress and The wedding planner I'll be over later on today oh that's right to let us know how much the thing is going to cost for the wedding yes you got any plans I got to go pick up my tuxedo anyways I got into the car my mom headed to the bridal shop I picked out the most beautiful wedding dress that I like I asked my best friend to be my major to honor is she accepted as we did all that I went back to the house and talked to the wedding planner she told us that the thing everything that we want are going to cost 3,000 and that was our budget and we said okay so we gave her the money and she said okay I will have everything together for y'all now we got to do the rehearsal dinner and it's tonight so went upstairs to get dressed to go to the rehearsal dinner tonight we went to the restaurant everything was smoothly we ate and we drink and we laugh but I did not drink anything cuz I'm 2 months pregnant you made it back to the house and I want to stare and take a shower the rehearsal dinner was smoothly yes it is sweetheart I cannot wait to have our baby and go on our honeymoon I know you can't be said to me as I fell asleep

I I finished getting dressed for our engagement party don't you look nice thank you honey I went downstairs and we got into the car and headed over to my mother's house for the gas and party all my family friends showed up the wedding date is goin...

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