Chapter 5: Understanding

Start from the beginning

"Then maybe I should go back to Sokovia," Wanda replied snottily.

Clint sighed in exasperation running his fingers through his hair. He was realising logical threats would not work on the emotional teen. "How are you not blood related to Nat,” he voiced out loud, “you are two of the most stubborn people I have ever met."

Wanda smiled at that even when she didn't want to, "you think we are alike?"

"So alike...look Wanda what do you honestly have to lose by coming home with me?"

"My independence," she replied immediately. “My Sanity,” she weakly joked as an afterthought.

"That ship has sailed how many 15 year olds do you know with full autonomy?"

"I'm different."

"Said every teenager ever," sparked back Clint. "You want to be treated like an adult act like one. Come home and talk to Nat."

Wanda turned to look at the man, before nodding in agreement, “Ok.” She threw the money she owed onto the table before standing up and following Hawkeye out of the diner.


The second Wanda walked through the door she was pulled sharply into a hug, she felt her head being held tightly against the older woman’s chest. She was confused when she felt the top of her head getting slightly damp, before she realised it was Natasha’s tears she was feeling. Clint beckoned to the rest of the inhabitants, “come on, I will treat everyone to a day out.” The rest of the Barton family left the house, leaving just the two women. Natasha pulled the younger girl away from her body, her relief at seeing her now being replaced by anger. “What in the world were you thinking???! Running off like that!”

“I was doing what was best for you….” Wanda trailed off.

Natasha shook her head, “No you were running away, you can’t run away.”

“I hurt you…” exclaimed Wanda angrily, “I hurt you in Sokovia.”

“You heard us talking last night….” Stated Nat.

“Yes I did, I know you must hate me,” was the sad response from Wanda.

“Of course I don’t Wanda. I don’t blame you for any of it.”

“Maybe you should! No-one made me do it, I acted on my own free will. I chose to hurt you and Bruce. It's my fault he left.”

Nat smiled sadly at the younger girl her rage had started to drain away, “oh Wanda, how guilty have you been feeling about all of this? Why have you not spoken to me before now?”

“And say what…. Sorry for fucking with your mind and making you boyfriend run off... can we all be family now?”

“Steve would not be impressed with that language…” joked Nat trying to dissipate some of the tension, “do you really think I would have applied to be your guardian If I held a grudge?”

Wanda glanced at the older woman, “Yes… No… Maybe…..Bruce did say he wanted to choke the life out of me.”

“He shouldn’t have said that. He was just angry about what happened.”

“It seemed like he meant it when he had his arms wrapped around my neck,” Wanda replied back sardonically. “what’s going to happen if he does come back? And he doesn’t want to be around me?”

“I signed up for life Wanda. You are mine now. You have this whole weird family; it’s not blood family. It’s better than that we are all family by choice. You have so many weird uncles now who would do anything for you. You already have Cap, Clint and Tony wrapped around your little finger.”

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