Story Two °Chapter 4° Daniel + Marcus °1990° 🛑WARNING🛑

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Previously on Daniel and Marcus's story:

"Go sit, I'll help." Mom said coming over and I sigh. He leaves, but not without looking at me.

Mom kept looking over at me, even when she was done with cutting the veggies.

I started putting them in the pan when the water from mom washing them and butter splashes out and burns my hand.

"Shit!" I yell and put my hand under the faucet. Marcus comes running over checking on me.

"I'm okay! Go sit back down, please.." I said and pulled my hand back from the water to see it red.

He doesnt, he just stands by my side the whole time. Even after I finish the food. He stayed right next to me.

Gosh, this guy!


After we were done eating, mom looks between us.

"What did you need to tell me?" She said and I set our plates in the sink and then head back over to the sofa. I looked at Marcus.

"Its very... Rare, momma... I have the Gene's and so does Marcus." I said and she looks at both of us.

"I'm Pregnant and its Marcus'." I said and she just looks at us back and forth..

"What..." She said and I nodded. Marcus explains to her how and why. To say mom was surprised when he told her was an understatement. But, she was happy! She'd get a grandkid finally.

"If I lose it though. It'll be hard to get pregnant again mother. Don't get your hopes up that much." I said and get up.

"I wanna see it." Mom said and I looked at her.

"Next appointment is in six weeks. You can come." I said and she nodded.

I was happy, but something broke the cycle. I didnt think it could happen, but it did.


6 weeks later.

I havent been feeling my best, morning sickness has been getting to me. Mom said hers wasnt as bad as mine.

My stomach has also been really hurting lately. I was gonna tell my doctor.

Me and Mom were in Marcus' car getting driven to the doctors.

A driver was driving. Marcus and I were sitting in the back, Mom was in front. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my leg.

I didnt know I was bouncing it. I looked at him.

"Danny, it's okay." He said and I nodded and looked out the window to see us pulling into the doctors office parking lot.

When we parked, we got out. And headed in to the office.

My stomach was hurting so bad right now. I put my hand on my stomach. Marcus holds onto me and asks if I was alright, I nodded.

I checked in and we sat down. Not even five minutes went by and I was called back.

"So, I heard you are complaining about stomach cramps?" My doctor said and I nodded.

"Its been happening for about a week. I dont know what it is. And I've had extreme morning sickness." I said and he nodded.

"Okay, I'll have a nurse come and take your blood, urine and then the ultrasound tech will be in." He said and grabs a pee cup out of a cupboard.

Haven't done one of these before.

"Bathroom is right in front of us." He said and pointed when he opened the door.

I went in and did my business since I really needed to pee.

I went back in and the nurse was there.

"Sit down here Mr Reed." She said and pointed to the chair next to the counter.

"You're not allergic to alcohol right?" She asks and I shook my head no. She nods and puts a tight thing around my arm. She finds the vain.

I look away when she got the needle out. Marcus comes over and held my hand.

Gosh, I hate this...

"Okay, so since we have no other blood tests. You'll get your results in about an hour. If your appointment isnt that long, I would like for you to sit in the waiting room. The doctor will call for you." She said cleaning up her mess and I nodded.

I sit back on the table. I drink more water since my bladder needed to be full. It was about 30 minutes when the ultrasound tech came in.

"Hi, I'm Lukas. I'll be your ultrasound tech." He said and I looked at his face more. My eyes widen.

"Lukas Melton? Is that really you?!" I said he looks at me and his eyes widen and he smiled.

"Daniel Reed!" He said and we hugged. We laughed.

"You know each other?" Marcus asks getting closer to me.

"Yes, we were best friends in High school. We havent talked to each other since. How are you?" He asks me.

"I'm okay. Found out I'm somehow pregnant. But, I'm having bad pains and extreme morning sickness. But, we're finding out the gender today!" I said, kinda excited and he smiled.

"Well then, let's get to the ultrasound!" He said siting in his chair and gets set up.

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He was looking at the baby, he looked concerned.

"Okay, I'll have to call the doctor in. I'll be right back." He said, wiped my stomach off and left hurriedly.

They came back and he got started. The doctor looked concerned too.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Marcus asks. The doctor and Lukas looks at us.

"Okay, good or bad news." The doctor said sitting in the rolly chair.

"Is there even good news in this situation, you guys look concerned.." I said and he grabbed my hand.

"The good news is the gender." The doctor said.

"Then the good news." We said. Lukas continued looking.

"You're having a baby girl." He said and I got excited.

"The bad news?" Mom said and he looked between me, Mom and Marcus.

"So, we are having a hard time finding the heart beat." When the Doctor said that I felt my whole world crash down...

"He should have the miscarriage by tonight or tomorrow. If you need any help, just give me a call. Here's my personal phone number Ms. Reed." (Lukas)

"Alright, thank you." (Mother)

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked at them. It was Marcus. I broke down when seeing him.

"Hey, it's alright. Daniel, its alright." He said and hugged me. I was crying so hard, I felt like my world was gone... I couldnt even protect an innocent baby. How can I do more then that?

"Let's go home." Mother said and got me dressed and we left. I'm never coming back to a place like this again.

I will be chaste from now on..

Once Upon A Time: Was I The Reason? ~ BxB, MxM, BL.Where stories live. Discover now