Story Two °Chapter 3° Daniel + Marcus °1990° ~Daniel's POV~

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Previously on Daniel and Marcus's story,

"Listen. I will be playing its heart beat. If you still want to go through with it, I promise the baby wont feel any pain." He said.

Yeah right they wont...

Then the most beautiful sound came out of the tech. I look and seen the heart beat.

"No..." My voice was a whisper..

"I cant go through with it... No, let me go..." I said and I just cry.

The most beautiful sound... Ever.... Was hearing the sound of the babies heart beat.. Not only did I hear the beating of it. I also heard the beautiful human it will turn into when it grows.

"Get me out of here!!" I cry and hug Marcus.

"Okay, okay... Its okay, they arent gonna touch you Daniel... Dont worry." Marcus said and I shook in fear.

"Alright, get out of here. Get him dressed and go home." I hear the doctor say and Marcus nodded.

He picked me up bridal style, I was still crying heavily.

Gosh. This day has been a wreck..


I walk to the car after getting dressed and I was sniffling.

"I'm sorry... I shouldnt have thought about doing that..." I whispered and he stopped and then stopped me from walking.

"You're scared Daniel, I know.. But you really dont have to worry about any of the money coming in, you dont have to worry about if the baby is gonna have anything. I've got all of that. You dont have to worry." He said and I sigh.

He sets his forehead on mine.

"Even though it's only been 12 weeks since we last had sex and saw each other. I feel like I've known you for so long to say, I love you, Daniel." Marcus said and I hugged him.

"What about my mother..." I whispered and he rubs my back.

"Let's tell her today. Unless she doesnt support LGBTQ." He said and I looked up at him.

"She does.." I say and he nods.

"She'll make us get married.." I said and he chuckles.

"Bring it on, I'll take you to Vegas and marry your ass." He whispered to me and I chuckle.

He smiles. "Let's get you something to eat then get you home." He said and I nodded.

We went and got some sandwiches from a deli and then went back to my house.

I looked at the time on the dashboard and seen it was 2pm. Mom would be home now.

"Mom should be home now." I said and he nods and gets out, holding the door for me. Such a gentleman.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it a tad and I smiled. We walked to my apartment and I took a deep breath.

I open the door and mom was sitting at the kitchen counter.

She looked up and saw me and ran over.

"Why in the world would you close the shop earlier then expected!?! Are you okay, did you get hurt?!" She panicked in Japanese.

"Mom, I'm okay. I just felt sick. I'm not hurt." I said in English and she sighed and set her head on my chest.

"Dont scare me like that, ever again." She said and I hugged her and nodded.

Once Upon A Time: Was I The Reason? ~ BxB, MxM, BL.Where stories live. Discover now