Cause now he's more like a friend in my eyes, but I was nervous for what was to come. All I knew was that I needed my daughter to have everything. Anything less than that would never be enough. 

I turned a little to abruptly, causing me to almost run into another women, looking down the same aisle as me. 

"Oh my gosh! I am so-" I started, before locking eyes with the girl in front of me and feeling the wind get knocked out of me. 

"Kristen? Kristen Keller?" I asked, seeing her brunette straight hair resting on her shoulders and growing past her breasts, a black blouse covering her torso, but her bulging baby bump was bigger than mine, and pointing towards me. Her hair was side parted, with bangs covering her left eye, as she jerked her head, causing her bangs to bounce backwards out of her face. And dark wash denim jeans hugging her hips, as they clung to her legs.

She still looked as beautiful as I remember, but now even more stunning. Aging like fine wine even with a baby growing inside of her. I could feel my insecurities screaming at me, as I looked at her face and her body. And within seconds jealousy was creeping into my thoughts. 

"Wait a minute.. Manson? wow.. is that you?" she asked, holding a few cans of baby food in her hands. As I nodded slowly, looking into her green eyes. Her fair skin tone complimenting her pink cherry balm lips. 

"Small town huh?" she asked, putting the baby food down in a small cart she was holding, and pulling me in for a hug. 

"I can't believe you're here, and you're pregnant!" she says, pulling away from me after our quick awkward embrace. 

"Uh yeah.. I can't believe you are too!" I said, as she forced a smile at me. 

"How far along are you?" she asked, rubbing her stomach. 

"Six months" I said, as she grinned. 

"Wow I'm eight months! yeah, this kicker is coming out real soon" she said, looking down at her stomach with a warm smile. 

"Babe! there you are!" a man's voice says behind her, as she turns to face him. 

A short black haired with brown eyes man, heads down this aisle and to our direction. As I am assuming this is her husband. 

"Oh! sorry honey, I told you I was grabbing the baby food for Jessica." she said, as he stands next to her. 

"Baby, you can't be carrying so much, you're almost due! remember what the doctor said!?" this man says, as he takes the cart from her and puts it on his arm. 

"Babe I'm fine! don't worry about me!" she says, eyeing him flirtatiously, as he rolls his eyes playfully. 

"That's all I do" he says, as they kiss. Making me feel uncomfortable.

 I think they forgot I was standing here. I clear my throat to remind them, causing Kristen to pull away from his kiss. 

"Oh wow, how rude of me.. sorry Manson, this is my husband Dalton." she said, as he sticks his hand out for me to shake. 

"It's nice to meet you.. Manson?" he asked, as I laughed. 

"Maddison, but my friend's call me Maddie" I said, as he nods with a smile. 

Her husband was handsome, with his endearing brown eyes and charismatic smile. 

I was happy for her. 

"So who are you here with?" Kristen asked, as Dalton puts an arm around her waist. 

"I- um.." I start, before seeing Kristen look behind me and I watch as her eyes widen. 

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